Name: Zyn Crotzwell
Gender: Male
Age: 59
Species: Sergalian
Preferred Occupation: Supreme Guard Captain, and Overseer of Freel Chirals small citadel.
Tools: Freel has given him access to any and all methods of torture.
Weapons: T-DFGauss Rifle, and his prodigy weapon, Ythral, a large Buster Sword.
Mode of Transportation: He hardly leaves the Citadel, but when he does, he uses the Watzz Anti-Personnel V-kdsSt1 Riot Suppression Flyer.
Physical Features: Dreadlocks that hang down from his face, chained together, and his mechanical prosthetic right leg and tail. Both prosthetics are obviously scarred, and blackened by long clan campaigning.
Special Skill(s): Expert Diplomat, Torturer, Long range specialist, Swordsman, and Weapons craftsmen.
Personality: A cold sociopath, he has a tendency to kill at first discrepancy.
History: Little is known of Zyn, only Freel, his self proclaimed child, knows anything about him. What is know, is that he is the brutal Captain of Freel's Supreme Guard, and that he raised Freel after she was abandoned by her parents because of her abnormalities.
Your Opinion of the War: "War? Hardly. More like a crusade. We will rid this moon of impurity, through righteous fire."