Disclaimer: I do (NOT) own Evangelion or any references I made in this story. If you know the references are from, get yourself a cookie cuz I don’t have any to give out. Like I would give out MY cookies. Thank you and enjoy! Not the cookies.
Summary: What if Shinji was a docile boy, but looks a lot more than you gave him for. He maybe more trouble than he is worth it. What will this cause? Hilarity will ensue.
Bold - scene transfer
Italics - Shinji’s thoughts
*smash* - sound effects
[Blah blah blah] - Author talking to character(s)
{Blah blah blah} - Character(s) talking to author
After the battle with the Angel, Sachiel, Shinji was brought to the medical ward for an examination.
After much examinations and treatments, Shinji was given a room to sleep in. Sleeping for nearly 5 hours, he wakes looking up to an unfamiliar ceiling.
“Wha…whe…where am I? I was fighting the big ugly thing and then I … I don’t remember anything. Well it’s not like it is the first I forgotten something. Like that time I forgot to turn that thing off and causing the whole house to burn! Hahahah!” Shinji scratched his head in a comedy manner.
“Ow! What the…?” Shinji looked at his right arm and sees a bandage on him…at least 5-7 bandages give or take.
“Wha…if they are gonna take my blood. The least I can get in return is a cookie and an orange juice.” Shinji got up from the bed and felt a draft up his back side. Shinji took a look down to see the hospital gown that he is currently wearing.
“OH MY GOD! Not only had they taken my blood! But they stripped me too! I wonder what else they took from me. Were they that desperate that they had to resort to me! Ah whatever. Not the first time I had to go naked. At least I got some cover this time. I won’t go streaking again. In the rain. With dogs chasing me.” Shinji shivered in horror of the thought. Shinji walked towards the door, turning the knob, he opens the door to see couple of doctors pushing a crash cart with a familiar blue hair girl on it.
Shinji and the girl locked eyes for a brief moment. She looks cute. Now…where’s da toy-let? I gotta go. Looking around, he sees the elevator.
“There’s a start.” He walks towards the elevator just about to press the call button for the elevator as it dinged. The door opened to reveal to older men, Fuyutsuki and Gendo. Gendo and Shinji just stared at each other.
“Do you know where the toilet is?” Shinji asked.
“…” Gendo just stayed quietly. Thinking thoughts of how could this boy be the product of him and his departed wife, Yui. Fuyutsuki looked down to Shinji.
“There’s a restroom on this floor. Take a left from the path behind you. Then it’s just 3 doors down on the right.” Fuyutsuki answered.
“Thanks!” Shinji bowed to the older man then went toward the path he was instructed. Fuyutsuki just smiled as the elevator closed and resume its course.
After using the restroom after so long of magically holding it in and won’t be explained. After all. That’s what makes magic so magical.
“Shinji!” Shinji turns to see Misato running towards him.
“Oh hey…errr…” Shinji looked at Misato with an embarrassing look.
“What’s wrong?” Misato looking a bit concern.
“I ah seem to…err…forgot your name. Hehehe.” Shinji laughed nervously.
“What! How could you forget my name?” Misato glaring at Shinji. Shinji sweat dropped at the look. Shinji held his hands out to calm her down.
“I…well…it just did. I’m not very good with names and I have a pretty bad memory. So please forgive and any other future stuff that may or may not happen yet. Please forgive me?” Shinji closed his eyes, clasped his hands together and bow towards her.
Misato just sigh and said, “Oh fine. I’ll forgive you. Now come on. Lets check out where you will be living for now on, ‘kay?” Misato gave Shinji a happy smile/
“Sure.” Shinji just smiled along.
20 minutes later in the Information office…
“What?!” Misato screamed at the man who gave the living location of Shinji.
“What do you mean he will be living alone?”
“It’s exactly as it says. Do you have a problem with it?” The man of unimportance said with of no concern.
“Well, no.” Misato looked towards Shinji, who was back into his normal attire and reading the NERV manual book…*Record scratches*…
[Ok what the hell man!]
[Why are you in the hell reading that book again?]
{It’s very educational.}
{Well it looks like I’ll be here for a while, so I figure that if I want to live I need to study about NERV.}
[Study to survive? Boy! Remember what that blonde woman said? The robot wasn’t in the manual.]
{Oh I know that.}
[If you know that. Then why did you say it was educational?]
{Because Misato got us lost like 5 times before we finally found the Information office. I need to find my way around here you know. I’m surprise that there is a map in this manual. Not many manuals will come with maps.}
[Oh. That makes sense…I guess…carry on]
Shinji looked from the manual and looked towards Misato. “Yes?”
Misato gave a concerning look. “Are you OK living by yourself?”
Shinji brought his index finger under his lower lip and his middle finger on his chin, looking cast downwardly thinking of an answer.
Coming up with an answer he returns to his normal stance. “Hmmm…Yes.”
“Are you sure?” Misato asking worriedly.
“No.” Shinji said with a blank face.
“Wha? Which is it?”
“Ahhhmmmmm…,“ Shinji brought his right hand to his chin in thought about his answer casting his eyes to the right, then looking back at Misato, “Yes. I can live by myself.”
“Are sure about this?”
“No.” Misato was getting annoyed. The man of unimportance just sweat dropped at what’s going on.
Misato said to Shinji, nearly shouting, “Damn it Shinji! This is important. Now can you live by yourself?”
“Ummmm. If the question is if I could live by myself then it is ‘yes’.”
Misato getting even more annoyed. “Grr. But…?”
Shinji answered, “But if the question is if I am able to live by myself. Then it’s ‘no’.”
Misato was getting confuse, bringing her hand to head and rubbing away the migraine. “What does that mean?
“Well a person can definitely live by themselves. However. Can the person be ABLE to live by themselves? Well it actually depends how the person is able to acquire the resources that may be able to sustain themselves and be able to sustain living by themselves. Like for instances: having a job, be able to cook and clean, and paying taxes as such and so on. Can I do these things? No. I am not able to take care of myself. I can live alone, but I would surely die. Does this satisfy you Misato?” Shinji looks at Misato, who had a dumbfounded look on her face.
“So…are you saying you can’t live alone?”
“In the simplest term. Yes.” Misato just face-palmed.
“Shinji you will be living with me. Is that alright?” She looked towards the unimportant man.
“You’ll have to take it up with the commander.”
After getting the approval from the Lord of Bastards…err I mean Commander Ikari.
“I’ll have to call Ritsu.” Misato went to the nearest phone booth and called her good old…*smack*
[Ow! What was that for?]
{I am not old!}
[Wha…yes you are]
{No I am not. I’m old-erly sexy}
[Whatever. Lets just get this story movin’]
“What?!” Ritsuko exclaimed.
“As I said, I’ve decided to take charge of Shinji. I’ve got my superior’s approval.” Misato looks back at Shinji who is busy…reading…the…damn…manual…Whatever, I’m done. Forget it!
With a teasing tone, “Don’t worry. I won’t have an affair with a child.”
Looking up from the book to Misato with a curious look, “What’s an ‘affair’? Is it good? Is it really tasty?”
Misato just sweat dropped. But soon she pulled the phone away from her ear as she was assaulted by Ritsuko’s shouting, “That goes without saying! What the hell are you thinking?!”
“Hahaha! Don’t worry he will be in the best of care buh-bye!”
“Wha…wait Mis…” *Clang* Misato hung-up the phone.
“Will Shinji, I guess this calls for a celebration!” Misato looks happily towards Shinji as he looks back at her with his own happy smile.
“Yah!” Shinji raised his fist into the air.
“Well. Looks like I might like you yet. So first, before we go home. We are gonna pick up some stuff.” Shinji cocked his head to the side.
“Like what?”
“Oh just some food and drinks to celebrate. That’s all. Alright lets go!” Misato walks away with Shinji in tow.
Ok, the way to the parking lot is…
After so many lost minutes getting to the car that won’t be described and shopping, they are now on the road heading home, but not before…
Misato pulled over to a railing guard on a cliff, overlooking a dark empty city.
“Misato why did we stop here?” Shinji looked confused at Misato, who got out of the car.
“Just get out Shinji. I want to show you something.” Oh god! No this can’t be happening! First the nurses, now her! What hell is with these women in Tokyo 3?! I’m only 14 years old! I have so much to live for…for whatever reason that I cannot think of.
Misato shouted to Shinji in a low tone, “Shinji! Get out! Now!” Oh god! Good-bye youth!
Shinji reluctantly did as he was told. He got out of the car and about to unbuckle his belt.
“Shinji. Take a look.” Misato pointed out towards the darkness. Shinji looked in that direction in which he was filled with awe.
“Whoa!” Shinji slowly walked towards the rail guards as he see buildings rising from the ground. Each one started to shine brightly like a sea of stars of hope has arisen from the darkness.
“Amazing isn’t it?” Shinji just nodded his head in agreement for lost of words.
“This is Neo Tokyo 3. A city that you protected. This city is the last line of defense against the Angels. Humanity’s last hope of survival. And you are their guardian. This is your home Shinji.”
Shinji looks toward Misato who had a smile on face. A smile of appreciation. Something that Shinji in his whole life never received.
A smile came about as trickle of tears form from his eyes. Shinji wipe the tears from his eyes and smiled even brighter with the city in the back.
And uttered two words.
“I’m home.”
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The 4th Dimension
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Chaos End Zero
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"Tell me boys and girls... how will you leave?"- Major Antonio Silva
"We go feet first, sir!"- ODSTs