Shikoku has scheduling today!
You seesee~
Shikoku will be going to the HIGH SCHOOL next year,
and Shikoku need to know all Shikoku's classclasses. D:
Shikoku is scaredscared of the HIGH SCHOOL!
Time for scheduling~
Shikoku must be at Shikoku's schoolschool by 5:00.
Shikoku doesn't understand why they don't just
do it in schoolschool. :
Shikoku will see you in a tadbit~
Life Tip of the Day:
It's best not to install an aquarium in your Ferrari's headlights if you can help it.
If you can help it.
This has been Shikoku Kyushu's Life Tip of the Day.
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Be sure to keep up on my Life Tips of the Day!
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I'm Bitchy Amaya
Badass Booti is herself
UPRlSlNG is ******** superheroes by day. And night. Beat that, bitches. cool
Badass Booti is my CB lover. heart
And we have our own soap-opera. emotion_kirakira
I'mma bird, ********! I'mma bird!

UPRlSlNG and I are birds, moe'suckras! cool
And we have our own comedy. emotion_kirakira
And she's the mother of my children. heart
Badass Booti is herself
UPRlSlNG is ******** superheroes by day. And night. Beat that, bitches. cool
Badass Booti is my CB lover. heart
And we have our own soap-opera. emotion_kirakira
I'mma bird, ********! I'mma bird!

UPRlSlNG and I are birds, moe'suckras! cool
And we have our own comedy. emotion_kirakira
And she's the mother of my children. heart