Nickname: None.
Sex: Male.
Age: Unknown.
DoB: Unknown.
Birthplace: Emgard, the 'orc capital'.
Race: Orc.
Kin: Edun, twinsister.
Sexual preference: Female.
Companion, followers: Raskal.
Companion, followers information: Raskal is a small dragon, only the size of a lizard. He was bought by Degar by mistake, believeing he had bought a soft gem instead. The little guy is good company, although he has thing for snapping and biting whenever he gets the chance. Unable to breath fire, as he's still a new born by dragon standards. Raskal has soft, dim red scales. His wings are always tucked in, to avoid getting them caught in something. He can't fly as of yet, and is therefor fearful that his wings might get damaged permamently. Four limbs and a slim tail.
Abilities: Incredible strength and agility.
Education: Advanced knowledge and normal language skills (Common English, Orcish).
Social status: Outcast, escaped convict.
Occupation: Gladiator.
Current mission, task, quest: Regaining his honor.
Strong points: Persistant and honorable. He keeps his words and promises. He won't give up unless he's dead. A missing limb? Nah, just a flesh wound.
Weaknesses: Quick to anger and refuses to accept that he's wrong. It's his way, or no way.
Hairstyle, length, color: Tight and bushy low ponytail, slightly below the shoulders, black.
Eyes: Dark brown, almost black.
Skin: A dull, darker green.
Body: Large torso and arms, heavy bonebuild, in excellent shape. Often in a slightly bent position, as he's freakishly tall when standing straight. He's made for rough living.
Notable features: No facial hair, large hands, ugly scars on his shoulders, abdominal, knees and forhead. Bitemarks on his fingers from Raskal. Heavy jaw, slightly pointed ears and a upturned nose.
Clothing: Normally some pants, a belt and some fur and leather shirts and coaks. Brown colors. Rarely shoes, as he doesn't feel like he needs them.
Accessories: Crystal necklace, which he often 'hides' by tieing it to either weapons or Raskal.
Weapon: Hunter knife and a well-made spear he crafted himself.
Personality: Being raised in the harsh orc enviorment, Degar has a mind and body of steel. He's used to living by himself, and naturally takes responsibilities upon himself. Like many of his kin, the most important thing for him is honor. Degar is rather intelligent, and is used to being right. Being wrong is unusual for him, and he abosolutely hates to accpet it as it shows weakness. Growing up with a mentally challenged sister, Degar, unlike other orcs, has learned that protecting somebody weaker then yourself isn't a sign of weakness, but rather a trait that shows leadership. Or so he claims. He's a little ashamed of it though, and has developed a rather short fuse to avoid looking weak.
Likes: Winning battles, good liquer and women.
Dislikes: Being questioned, being looked down upon and girly men.
Hobbies: Hancrafting, mainly simple weapons and accessories.
Habits: Nailbiting. Has to fidget with something to relax properly.
Fears: Losing his honor.
Talents: Hand to hand combating, handcrafting.
Things of no interest: Sightseeing, fashion and gossiping.
Curious about: Rare magical items, hunting techniques and battle strategies.
Got no clue about: how to cook, how to clean and why he needs to use soap.
When cornered or frightened: Goes berserk and fights back.
Other: Degar often pulls out sarcastic remarks without thinking.
As soon as Degar and Edun was born, their parents died in a cart accident. The two newborns were raised by the Bolar clan, and grew up to be excellent warriors. Unfortunatly after a meeting with a mage and a heavy head injury, Edun became psychotic and started halusinating the most awful things. She would burst into screams randomly and would claw the eyes out of anybody who touched her. To avoid a 'mercy murder', Degar left the city to take care of his sister. A few years passed and Edun passed away after running into a river. Degar was returned back to Emgard as an adult with the accuse of abandoning his clan without permission. Rather then sentencing him to death, they decided to humilitate him in the worst way possible. Degar was to become a slave. The lowest of the lowest. They ripped him of his honor. After a few years and a few accidents, Degar's talent was rediscovered and he became a gladiator. Seeing a chance to regain his fallen honor, Degar trained till he bleed. After a year, he realized he could never really get back his honor by staying with those who made him hit the bottom of the bucket. Degar fled again, and headed towards the coast to leave for Simvold, where he could become the man he used to be and perhaps more.