Shikoku wants to know if hammysters usually run in their wheel for two hours a day?
Shikoku is worriedworried.
Shikoku wants to know what time it is.
Shikoku has no idea.
Shikoku also learned thatthat the Japanquake tore some of where Shikoku live's boats apart.
This is scare. sad
Kyushuhopes everybody does an OKOK~
Be sure to bring a book in the case that you ever fall out an airplane during flight.
It'll take awhile to land.
This has been Shikoku Kyushu's Life Tip of the Day.
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I'm Bitchy Amaya
Badass Booti is herself
UPRlSlNG is ******** superheroes by day. And night. Beat that, bitches. cool
Badass Booti is my CB lover. heart
And we have our own soap-opera. emotion_kirakira
I'mma bird, ********! I'mma bird!

UPRlSlNG and I are birds, moe'suckras! cool
And we have our own comedy. emotion_kirakira
And she's the mother of my children. heart
Badass Booti is herself
UPRlSlNG is ******** superheroes by day. And night. Beat that, bitches. cool
Badass Booti is my CB lover. heart
And we have our own soap-opera. emotion_kirakira
I'mma bird, ********! I'mma bird!

UPRlSlNG and I are birds, moe'suckras! cool
And we have our own comedy. emotion_kirakira
And she's the mother of my children. heart