You see children; there was once a king. Who this king was has been forgotten, but what is remembered of him is that he was in love. His object of affection was a young woman, an elf from Avalon, who's name has been also been forgotten by time. Oh, he could not get enough of her. She on the other hand saw him as she did everyone else, nothing more then somebody she was friendly with. Now, this was not unusual for the people of Avalon. Unlike all other races walking this earth, ideas of romance is completely foreign to them. Love for another being, other then friendship and family bonds, is something very few of them comprehended. Which is why there were so few of them left back then, and even now. Very few of them ever managed to become what we would consider a proper adult. The King could not understand why this woman did not flirt back at him. Was he not clear enough? The King showered the elf with flowers and gifts so expensive, that they could by themselves buy a whole other kingdom. 'I am grateful, your highness', the elf said, but she refused to accept them. She did not see the use of them, at least not in the amounts she was bathed with. This went on for a while, till the King manged up the courage to confess his love to her. To his surprise, the elf replied that she too loved him. 'You are the most wonderful friend'. The King's heart shattered and he was honestly quite angered at her less passionate response. 'Do you not understand? I do not love you as an acquaintance! I love you as a woman!'. The elf stared at him dumbly. She had no clue what he was trying to tell her. Gathering up the little courage he had, the King kissed the elf and pulled her into an embrace. His desperate action to get his feelings across, became what split them apart. The elf was scared by the King's aggressive behavior and fled. The King became uncertain as well, as he did not expect her to flee. For three days the King locked himself in his bedroom, pondering what he did wrong. She could not have somebody else in her sights, could she? Surely he was better then the man she was pursuing. To get rid of his troubling thoughts, he masked himself and decided to speak to the elf's friends to prove himself wrong. 'Does your friend have a man she is close with? Somebody whom she sees as special' the King asked. The elf's friends were kin of Avalon as well, and did not understand exactly what the King was after. They whispered among themselves. They both came to the same conclusion; this man was asking for their friend's brother. 'Yes' they replied and gave his name. 'How close are they?' the King asked. The elf's friends replied as honest as they could. 'They are always talking and holding on to each other' 'I think they sometimes share the same bed'. The King was horrified at their answers and left quickly. Feeling humiliated and heartbroken, the King called together the most terrifying wizards and witches of the country. 'If I am not good enough for her, nobody is'. They all sat and talked about their wishes of revenge toward the elves of Avalon. Many of the wizards and witches had have the same experiences with the elves as the King, and they were all bitter about it. They all agreed that cursing the woman was not enough; the whole race had to suffer for their hearts to be mended together.
And that was when the curse was brought upon the island of Avalon. What was the curse you ask, my child? They could no longer produce among themselves; they had to settle for other races in order to bare children. To avoid another similar tragedy, the leader of Avalon used all his magic to make the island move around, shredded in mist. No one has since then seen Avalon. Some, however, claim to have spotted a few of its inhabitants along the shore, looking for possible mates so that the kin of Avalon does not go extinct. Although they're cursed, they have never been so desired. So, be wary children, do not fall in love with them. They know nothing of love. Their intentions will only bring misery, and so do those who follow them.
Name: Aireesse Aeraron.
Nickname: Airee
Sex: Female.
Age: Unknown. Appears to be 18 to 22.
DoB: July 5th.
Birthplace: The moving island, Avalon.
Race: Avalon elf.
Kin: Lybund, brother. Thirel, mother.
Sexual preference: Men.
Companion, followers: Morgen, unicorn.
Companion, followers information: Morgen serves Aireesse as a carrier and transport device. Morgen has the power of 13 horses in his body, but lacks speed due to old knee injuries.
Abilities: Growing back limbs and other healing.
Education: Basic knowledge and advanced language skills (Aval, Common English, Elvish).
Social status: Upper middle-class.
Occupation: None.
Current mission, task, quest: Searching for her brother, Lybund, after he went missing on a mission outside of Avalon.
Strong points: Impulsive and talented at the things she can. Her personality has a calming effect on others.
Weaknesses: No experience outside her own interests. Lacks will to fight and is very submissive.
Hairstyle, length, color: Wavy, mid thigh, golden blond.
Eyes: Bright, light blue.
Skin: Fair.
Body: Slim, hourglass, small waist.
Notable features: Elf ears
Clothing: Primarily dresses simple capes. Very medieval inspired. She rarely shows off a lot of skin. Aireesse is very fond of warm colors.
Accessories: Often a necklace, headpiece, ring and sometimes a bracelet or anklet. No earrings.
Weapon: Unarmed.
Personality: Polite, kind and gentle, Aireesse shares a lot of the qualities of her kin. She often daydreams and pays little attention to things that is of no interest, which makes it hard for her to focus sometimes. Despite being born in a highly social race, Aireesse handles being isolated and alone a lot better then others. The reason for this is because her constant fantasizing keeps her mind busy and completely distracted. If one doesn't make sure she is looking at you while speaking, she probably doesn't hear a thing of what you're saying. Being raised in a very innocent environment, Aireesse lacks the ability to understand people's hidden intentions. A total stranger can offer her jewelery and gifts, if she just follows him into an ally, and Aireesse will gladly accept the offer without any hesitation. In other words she's extremely naive. A huge strong point in Aireesse's personality is that she is impulsive. She's not afraid to try new things and learns quickly, if it's interesting enough. She always speaks her mind, which can be quiet confusing as she starts a sentence, but sometimes forgets to finish.
Likes: Exploring new cultures, sleeping, bathing.
Dislikes: Being rushed, being yelled at, dirty feet, strong smells.
Hobbies: None.
Habits: Daydreaming, brushing off dust of her dress, correcting other peoples wrinkled clothing, getting lost.
Fears: Toddlers and very small children that make a lot of noise.
Talents: Healing and great balance.
Things of no interest: Fighting, manual labor, math, lots of theory, sports, bills, money, cleaning her own room, conflicts.
Curious about: Other races, fashion and religions.
Got no clue about: Directions, hunting, fishing and life outside of Avalon.
When cornered or frightened: Starts rambling.
Aireesse grew up on Avalon together with her mother and brother. Her childhood went smoothly, without any difficulties or drama, besides the the scolding she got from her teachers for not paying attention. Something that was special however, was that the island consisted of only women at this point, except for Lybund. Seeing as their kind could no longer produce children with their own, Lybund took the responability upon himself to bare the next children so that Avalon could prosper again. He brought with him three other women, and left. Aireesse kept on with her studies and family life. After a few years, the two of the three women returned, both pregnant, along with the third's corpse and her newly born child. What happened of Lybund no one knew. Using the excuse that she too wanted a child, Aireesse left the island to search for her brother. Something she did not expect though, was that by leaving, she could not return unless she was dead or with child. She now has two possibly impossible quests ahead of her; finding her brother and getting knocked-up.
- The artist has permission to design Aireesse new clothing, as long as it looks elvish.
- Aireesse must have elf ears.