been awhile, eh? actually, i don't really want to write right now.
but i need therapy. and another memory lesson.
speaking of memory, at work they finally told me to my face that i have a horrible time remembering things. My reply? "I know, and i hate it."
which it absolutely true. i hate my lack of memory.
because you have no idea how scary it is to look back at the past, and see nothing but a black chasm, or -even worse- not be able to look back at all, and be forced to the future and guessing because you can't remember what's supposed to be going on.
yet another weekend of computer work up the wazoo. this morning gonna work on some weekend projects (4-H and sunday school monies stuff), then depending on how much time I have left will determine what happens next.
gonna surprise krin today. :] I'm arranging a skype meeting with Nick, and I'm doing it AT HER HOUSE. whee because i'm pretty sure that I don't feel quite the need to see him "in person" as much as she would lol.
then after that, i'm going to g-ma P's to get my dress hemmed, because i finally got that date for prom x)
lots to do this weekend...
i made a list on my compy.
Brit lit timeline
Spanish worksheet
Comp lit powerpoints
Trig 6.2 & 6.3
Gov’t essay
Tay clari CD
freaking out about everything, i guess. NEED to get those scholarships done soon, and ask for a reference... thinking mr. gylten. *nods*
and if everything pans out like I think it will, i don't have school at all next week.
which is a problem for signing up for prom.
and trying to get homework.
Wednesday is regional K-bowl (Robbie, Montana, Jenna and I placed 6th at subs, so we get to go on. it was probably the sticky tac i found in my bag that made us so smart >:] hehehehe...), then right after school wednesday through saturday afternoon sometime we're going to be at state BPA.
it's like they think we're smart or something. o.O?
P's are having a dispersal auction April 7.
so will they be out in time for graduation?
think i had a dream about my music box last night. apparently someone must've found one that I thought looked like mine (only looking back on it, it didn't. it was just a chipped, faded pink one.), but when they opened it, a different song played that reminded me of the sea.
and all of a sudden a very pretty picture covered the box. it was colorful, and beautiful, and so music-box-y that it was amazing.
of course, I got upset because, hey, that was my freaking music box; why wasn't it playing the tune that I know it does/did?
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