Nickname: to be added.
Age: 12.
DoB: January, 17th.
Parents: Natalia Cooper (stripper), unknown.
Birthplace: Louisiana, New Orleans.
Current resident: Louisiana, New Orleans.
Ethnicity: Caucasian/Negroid
Body type: Skinny
Body build: Tall, lankey.
Skin: Mocha.
Eye color: Warm brown.
Hair color: Dark, warm brown.
Hair style: ( x )
Hair length: Chin lenght.
Clothing: The artist may design the clothing him or herself. Should be fairly boyish. All hail shorts, t-shirts and the batman logo.
Personality: Lyle are like boys most; positive, friendly, "tough" and somewhat shy around girls.
Habits: Rubbing his nose, drying his mouth on his sleeves.
Hobbies: Playing video games, reading comics.
Talents: Natural leader.
Likes: Running around, Charlotte, chasing dogs, Batman.
Dislikes: Having to brush his hair, strong perfumes, his mother's "profession", school, people bullying Charlotte.
Is afraid of: Michael.
Other: Lyle has a chipped tooth. He lives alone with his single mother.
Weapon of choice: Baseball bat, handgun, pipe bombs.
Bag contents:
Advantages: Lyle is very determind and loyal towards his friend. He makes quick desiccions and naturally takes the part of being a leader. Very protective.
Drawbacks: Lyle can be a little reckless and outright dumb, since he's still a child.

Grown up Lyle Gallery: