Haru Kamiya
~User Data~
Name Haru Kamiya
Nicknames Intel
Famous Shinobi Name The Informant
Village Otogakure
Clan The Kamiya Family
Kekkei Genkai Sanbyou
Age 19
Gender Female
Birth Date February 21st, Pisces
Rank B Ranked Jounin
Primary Chakra Element Wind
Secondary Chakra Element Water
Third Chakra Element Ice
Chakra Color Sky Blue
Weapon of Choice Sharpened Wire
Shinobi Profession Intel
Headband On her waist hidden beneath her cloak.
Height 5' 5"
Weight 124 lbs.
Hair Strawberry Red
Eyes Hazel
Clothing Haru is hidden completely beneath a black cloak and very, very rarely even pulls down the hood. If someone ever got far enough to see her without her cloak on, they would find her wearing a white dress that parts only a few inches past her private parts. She also wears love sleeved black gloves, long purple leggings and black under garments in case the wind should ever lift her dress.
Physical Description Haru is a fairly skinny woman who is fairly well endowed. She doesn't have too much physical strength, but her leg strength is killer. She is incredibly flexible and used to very fluid movements thanks to her fighting style.

~Personal Shinobi Information~
Haru is a very resourceful girl, with a heavy streak of justice in her. However, she is not entirely above "Robin Hood" like acts. She will do lesser things if they're necessary. For the most part she keeps to herself, but deep down she longs for someone to talk to, someone to express all of her locked up feelings to. Regardless of her feelings of anger towards her brother's acts, Haru will stand by him. She will fight for him, because, no matter how much it pains her, she knows Gin wasn't entirely wrong in what he did. She is only bothered by how easily he was able to do it.
Nindo "Fight for today, because, there isn't always a tomorrow."
Personal Skill(s) Haru isn't fond of it, but her jutsu are well built for torture and slow deaths.
Family The only surviving member of Haru's family, or clan, other than her is her brother, Gin.
Eventually, Haru found out what really happened the day her clan was wiped out. Gin always refused to talk about it and even acted like he was emotionally traumatized by the event. At one point he threw a fake tantrum and told her that it was an Uchiha who had done it, just like the one that exterminated his own clan. At this point, Haru quit asking. A few years later, she found a journal Gin had written in only 3 times. One of the entries containing the truth. Now that she knew what happened, she couldn't be around Gin anymore and fled.
Once she found a stable residence she managed to graduate from the academy and eventually became the Jounin that she is today. But, she has a bit of a darker hobby. She runs a "mission board" in the Kamiya family bars. These missions are far from legit, at least in the normal senses. Nine times out of ten the target is deserving, but because of her underground nature she has to hand out... cruder... missions at times to keep people off of her back.
Unlike her brother, Haru has found much greater use in one handed seals, and thus has spent much time mastering the art.
~Clan Information~
Clan History
Haru comes from the formerly great Kamiya Clan. Her clan prospered greatly in Otogakure until the war now known as 'The Time Flux' broke out. Much of Otogakure had been convinced by their "Lord" that the Kamiya clan was plotting to take over and had already set plans into motion. Surprisingly, this also caused a rivalry within the clan itself breaking it into groups who thought that the others actually were plotting a take over of Otogakure. It was a bloody battle that nearly ripped a whole in the fabric of space thanks to the mass use of his clan's kekkei genkai, but it came to an end, thanks to her brother, Gin. He unleashed a devastating blow in the center of the battle in the heat of the moment, so sick of the fighting... The only person who wasn't killed was Haru who was still back at home where he left her well protected. Thankfully, no one knows that it was Gin who dealt this devastating attack, so the two were able to live peacefully for a while.
Kekkei Genkai Explanation
Sanbyou is a complicated kekkei genkai that basically revolves around manipulating time and space with two simple and yet infinitely complicated jutsu.
Stage One (B): To start with, when Seconds Later is in use, the user always sees three seconds into the future. This fact makes it difficult for most people to get used to depth perception and object's real speed. One can recognize this stage because the user's iris will began to swirl into their pupils like a whirlpool.
Stage Two (A): The user starts to gain an instinctual comfortability with constantly seeing three seconds in the future and can now use the jutsu, "Atode," (Afterwards) and, "Shougeki Honmono de Nai (False Impact)." There is no obvious way to tell if someone is at this stage.
Stage Three (SS): The user is now instinctively accurate with seeing three seconds into the future and can process and react perfectly in the "present." The user is also now able to use the jutsu, "To Yukichigau."
~Technique Ranks - Max Number Rank of Each Technique Type~
Kekkei Genkai Jutsu S Ninjutsu: SS Genjutsu: A Taijutsu: C Fuuinjutsu: B Juin Jutsu: B Doujutsu: S Kenjutsu: A Summons: B
Kekkei Genkai Jutsu
Shougeki Hinmono de Nai ⇨ A - Rank ⇨ Defensive ⇨ (5 pts.) (False Impact) An altered version of Atode, and triggers much, much faster, one could think of it as a clone jutsu fused with a flicker technique because of what it does. Anytime the user wills it, they can basically remove themselves from the physical realm for about a third of a second; if they're hit with any physical attack during this time, an afterimage of the user will be seen taking the blow, but the user will immediately become solid again and generally counter.
Continuum Shift ⇨ A - Rank ⇨ Technical ⇨ (5 pts.) When using this jutsu anything within a 15 foot radius from Haru will become intangible. When the jutsu is deactivated, anything that would have happened to the object would happen to it. The object's momentum or general position would not be effected but it would receive scars, gashes, cuts, burns, etc. The target could even pass out or die if they were hit with something capable of doing such hit them. The only problem being, Haru is not exempt from this jutsu, she too will become intangible but still receive the damage.
Cutting Winds ⇨ C - Rank ⇨ Offensive ⇨ (3 pts.) This jutsu allows the user to add their chakra to the air surrounding them and essentially fire a barrage of shurikens after creating a current strong enough to throw them. The shurkiens are crescent shaped and can travel a distance of up to 20 feet at a speed far higher than that of a normal shuriken before dissipating. Each one generally has enough force behind it to cut an inch deep into a human. Unfortunately these shuriken will be powerless against most steels.
Flotation ⇨ C - Rank ⇨ Technical ⇨ (3 pts.) Using this jutsu the user is able to channel air around their body in such a way that it acts like a crane and pulls them off of the ground allowing them to essentially fly. Experienced users can use it to suspend themselves at heights up to 20 feet and expend little chakra when doing so.
Gravity Release: Midair Air Suspension ⇨ A - Rank ⇨ Technical ⇨ (5 pts.) When using this jutsu the user manipulates the air pressure and current in a 50 foot radius (100 ft. diameter) to the point that things become trapped, or suspended, in place. Objects moving at a speed of 80mph or higher when the field is activated will only be slowed to about 30 mph upon activation or entering. Taijutsu of A rank or higher will not be effected. Chakra base substances that we're present upon activation will not be effected.
Turbulent Cage ⇨ B - Rank ⇨ Technical ⇨ (4 pts.) When activated this jutsu will surround an area in a very tall tower that is essentially a hollow, standstill tornado with a 20 foot radius. The general purpose of this jutsu is to wall off a battle from the rest of the world. However, people capable of reaching a height of over 200 feet will be able to break in as there is no cover. The winds move at about 150 mph but are so contained due to the infused chakra they do not bother the world around them or inside them unless allowed to do so.
Air Bullet: Absolute Zero ⇨ A - Rank ⇨ Offensive ⇨ (5 pts.) By focusing a bubble of air in one's palm and infusing it with a small amount of ice chakra the user is able to essentially fire a bullet of air towards their target. Upon impact the wind will release and decrease the surrounding pressure so much that it would drop to about -150 degrees. The remaining ice chakra will join in and drop the temperature of the target's body to about -300 for a period of 3 seconds. This dramatic drop in temperature and pressure happens so fast that it will cause the target to suffer from a decent case of Hypoxia which means that they will likely pass out or even fall into a coma. Those who get lucky will suffer from shock when the jutsu wears off and will be suffering from fair nausea and have difficulty breathing as well as gangrene around the area of impact.
Vaccuum ⇨ SS - Rank ⇨ Offensive ⇨ (8 pts.) When using this jutsu any and all particles in the air will be forced out of a 20 foot radius from the user. This will create a vaccuum in the air causing the pressure to drop to such an extent that it will cause explosive decompression in the lungs of all living things within the radius, even the user if they don't have a way around it. The force of the decompression will vary depending on how long the jutsu is held, so it can cause anything from minor Hypoxia to even death, or explosion of the body.
Diamond Dust ⇨ A - Rank ⇨ Technical ⇨ (5 pts.) A doujutsu that can be described as having a microscope for eyes, Daimond Dust allows the user to view and slow down the atoms of a molecule to such an extent that the object they make up will begin to freeze over with ice as each atom begins to come to a halt. This jutsu limits the user's vision greatly (obviously) but works at a very high pace. Another draw back is that the user can not move when performing it, leaving them wide open.
Climbing Heavens ⇨ C - Rank ⇨ Offensive ⇨ (3 pts.) After infusing a wire like object with the chakra, the user is able to thrust, stab, whip the weapon at the ground and have it dig into it. From here the object will continue to move underground, stretching beyond its real length if enough chakra is used, and burst out aiming towards the sky. From he it wrap around the target and drag them with it. When the wire reaches its peak distance it will release the target and fling them higher like a sling shot. This jutsu can be delayed as long as desired so long as the wire remains in the ground and in the user's control.
Dancing Wires ⇨ B - Rank ⇨ Offensive ⇨ (4 pts.) After sharpening the edges of the wire with some chakra the user will whip the wire(s) forward and essentially steer them to attack the opponent. Not only will the wire's length double with enough chakra, but this chakra will glow blue and envelope the wire and act as an acid like substance if one were to try and guard it with an object. This jutsu can melt through C ranked weapons and can be held for up to 2 posts (The post of activation and the next one.)
Haru carries a 30 foot long wire that she keeps coiled in a special way around her arm in her sleeve.
Haru also carries a small pouch filled with painkillers and disinfectants on her hip within her cloak.
Heaven's Scroll: Contains Flotation (A) Tornado Scroll: Contains Turbulent Cage (A) Frostbite Scroll: Contains Diamond Dust (S)
Total points count: 55/65 .: xxx???xxx :.The Informant "Don't get mad at me... #CD0443
...I'm only the messenger" +0 Lines! xxxjutsu: L = [x](7.5)(1)(1) xx/xx