1. Metroids aren't cute. Especially the Phazon variety. ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY when it's sucking on your visor. 2. They don't want to cuddle they want to SUCK ON YOUR FACE AND KILL YOU. 3. Stepping into a room of Space Pirates that may have been destroyed by Phazon Metroids... Admittedly cool. XDDD -loved shooting the corpses and watching them disintegrate- 4. The Phazon ones are hella annoying. >n>; -wasted 8 Ice Missiles on one, who kept fazing out of "the local timespace"- 5. If alone in an area with face-sucking monsters, leave the Power Cell alone, unless you absolutely NEED to take it out. It'll get dark. They'll escape. They'll attack soon enough. 6. Look. Around. Every. Corner. It was ugly when they were harmless in their pod-things, it's horrid when you get a close-up of the released ones. .n. And yes, they WILL escape the Xenoresearch A and B areas, and they WILL appear around Skytown. Even in the open/outside/sky areas. 7. THEY ARE NOT PETS.
 (Proof to back up Lesson 1)
Monochrome Nightfall · Sun Jan 16, 2011 @ 10:10pm · 0 Comments |