Thank you to all ANON who sent me nice thoughtful letters. This list is always updating!

 A new anon I haven't heard but all the more reason to spread the word.
 Thank you again for the wonderful gifts. That really was surprising!

 O.O That was almost creepy yet fantastic! I loved it!

 Received a black coal..apparently pertaining to thanking anon messages are stored in the sticky due to overmassive threads relating to each other. Which is understandable but I didn't see it~
Thanks for the dress =3
OMG thank you for the T**Maid present!
Yummy thank you for that cupcake. I only wish I had it right now.
You made me happy, Yay for white coals!
Thank you for the cute starhats!
Thank you for the uherrr underwear ^-^;
~~~~~X-mas Letters~~~~~
Spiral Maaya · Thu Dec 23, 2010 @ 05:19am · 0 Comments |