Human Form~
Without Jacket --- With jacket

Succubus Form~
Outfit 1 ---------------- Outfit 2

Thinking in process~
Gender- Female
Age- 18 (1800 in succubus years)
Hair razz ink and Black in human form and dark blue and pink in succubus form. (look above for refs.)
Eyes: Black and yellow. The white parts of the eye that are suppose to be white are black.
Skin: Caramel in human form (look above for refs.)
Build: 5'8", Busty and sexy, about 140 lbs
Occupation:Space Pirate/Bounty hunter. (Mostly looks for bounty in space.)
Race: Succubus
Birthday: May 2nd
Outfit 1: look above
Succubus form: look above
She seems outwardly cold to people he don't like or know. When you get to know her she is pretty laid back and somewhat kind. She likes to play around with your mind with mind games she says to confuse you. She is somewhat crude in how she speaks to others as she is always either cursing, insulting her opponents, or making sexually charged comments, usually using musical references as double entendres. She spends most of her time manipulating the various people against each other, and giving fake bounty lists out to people and leave some laying around to trick people, so she can find the real bounty and get it with no problems. She also seems to derive pleasure from tormenting many people.
Rose Rapier in Human form:
Darkness, Dark thorns and Vines in Succubus form:
Additional info For Human Form:
Demon hat (Male) :
Name- Kytrus
Personality: smart-mouthed, witty, talkative, sarcastic, and a bit perverted at times.
Demon Plushie:
Name- Saiai
Personality: shy, quiet, loyal, playful, and Dangerous.
-Huge Bounties
-losing bounties
-getting lost
-Nasty looking things
-Getting hurt
-Long talks