Age: 25
Height: 5'11
Race: Human
Appearance: [one of the right]

Bio: For as long as he could remember he has always wanted to be a detective, having watched his parent's murder at a young age. The fact that he was put in foster care didn't damper his drive to want a be a detective, in fact it fueled it. The only thing he had as he was moved from foster home to foster home was his school work to keep him sane, keeping his grades as high as he could to make sure he got a scholarship to the best school possible. He had finished highschool a year early but because he wasn't a legal adult and his current foster parent's refused to sign anything that would send him away he had to wait a year till he turned 18 to continue following his dream. In the meantime he volenteered as much as he could at the local police station to get as much hands-on experience as he could.
Finaly, after what seemed like an eterinty his birthday came around and he was able to go to the school of his choice for 'Police Foundations'. He flew through the classes in record time, his time helping out at the station having helped him a lot and within a few years he had his badge and asigned to the very station he would volenteer at. For his first couple of years he was working the streets before the cheif moved him to homicide where he got his first case which just happed to be the case of 'Eliza Day' also known as the "Wild Rose". The thing that stood out the most about this case was that she was found with a rose planted between her teeth.
He has been working the case for a few months now and had narrowed down his suspect list to one person, the only problem was that there is little to no evidence that proves that Prof. Clark St. James is indeed the murderer. As he gets to know the suspect on levels deeper then he had orginally intended, he gets that much closer to losing everything he had worked hard to get.
Sexuality: Rather not say.