I didn't really think I would get this one hahah. But its true :p

You are: Chopper-type.
You feel a craving for love, affection, and attention. However, for some reason, you.are so convinced that you're unlovable that you try to shut others out. This confuses people around you, because, guess what? You're just about the cutest thing since the Easter Bunny and the sweetest thing since C&H. For some reason everyone knows it but you. People love your kindness and your willingness to care for others. Why not let them return the favor sometime?
You are very innocent and shy. Sex is not as important to you as friendship and affection in general, and ultimately you find snuggling up with a loved one the most fulfilling of any activity. You love having attention and care, for instance, having your hair brushed, your nails done, or being bathed. Little things like that become very intimate and meaningful to you. As well they should be-- it's hard to earn your trust, and if you let someone close enough to you to clean your ears with one of those little poky sticks it says a lot about how you feel for them.
You are most compatible with: A Luffy-type has the same sort of feelings about friendship and love being the same as you. A Sanji-type would give you all the love and attention you crave, too..
Advice: Let someone make you their little teddy bear.
Butteroll · Sat Nov 06, 2010 @ 04:30am · 0 Comments |