"I freakin hate you, Kaiba!" I said with a grimace face. I was carrying like a heavy box. No! Not even! 5 heavy boxes filled with whatever Kaiba needs for his Corp! Extremely Heavy! It was only two days before I went back to school and instead of resting for the two days, I had to carry stuff from one building to Kaiba Corp! 'Sometimes I don't even know why Nii-san has to have a huge corp....' I thought. I was walking at a good pace until I tripped and fell, dropping the boxes. "I give up!!!!" I sulked while being on the ground. When I looked up, I saw a big mover's truck on the side of the street and two boys carrying things into a house. 'They must be new people moving to Domino......' I thought.
One boy put down the box he was carrying and stretched. As he stretched his back he saw me on the ground. We looked at each other for several seconds then he ran over to me. "Uh...Miss? Are you alright?" He said helping me up. He was skinny and pale. He had calm chocolate eyes and fluffy, snow white hair and a slight accent. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just tripped that's all." He picked up my boxes for me and said, "These boxes are extremely heavy.....do you want me and twin brother to help you?" I thought it was sorta rude to let someone carry my boxes or rather my brother's boxes for me.
I was about to say something when another figure peered out the door. "Ryou! We gotta get these boxes in! They ain't gonna carry themselves ya know!" The person at the door looked like the person in front of me.....I little more muscular, a deeper voice, and rough bad boy eyes. "Sorry Yami-nii, I was just helping this lady...." Ryou said calmly. Yami ran over and looked at me. "You look familair......." He said squinting. I just remembered what I was suppose to do and picked up the boxes. "Miss! Let me help you!" Ryou retorted while grabbing two boxes. Yami might as well help cuz he isn't gonna get all the furniture in with out Ryou's help. He grabbed two boxes and started walking.
After a few minutes, we arrived at Kaiba Corp. "Well, here it is! Kaiba Corp." Yami and Ryou were speechless as they looked up at the tall imense building. As we walked in everyone was greeting me. "Good morning Miss Hikari!" They all said to me when I passed. Once we got to Seto's office I kicked the bottom of the door twice letting Kaiba know that I was here. The door opened and Mokuba Kaiba, my little brother was there. "Hi Sis!" He said cheerfully. Yami and Ryou brought the boxes in and placed it on Kaiba's desk. "There ya go Nii-san! 5 extremely heavy boxes filled with whatever ya need!" I said while leaning on his desk. "Thank you, Hikari. " He replied.
Ryou noticed who he was standing infront of......"What?! Aren't you Seto Kaiba?! THE Seto Kaiba?!" Kaiba nodded. Yami looked at me with wide eyes. "So that means your.....Hikari Kaiba?! The fashion designer?!" I nodded yes. Yami was silent for a second. Then he said, "I love your designs......all punk fashioned and cool!" Kaiba was still confused on who the boys were. I said, "Nii-san! This is....Ryou and Yami, right? They helped me pick up the boxes." Kaiba smiled. "We're new to Domino City....." Yami said. Then, I thought of a great idea! "Seto-nii! I gotta go help Ryou and Yami with moving!" Ryou and Yami looked at me with a confused face. "You guys helped me! So it's mu turn to return the favor!"
We walked out of Kaiba Corp. back to where Yami and Ryou were unloading their stuff.... "Ya sure, Hikari? I mean half of the stuff we got is really heavy!" I told Yami to never underestimate me.....
(Look out for Aishiteru Ryou! Aishiteru Yami! Part 2!!!!)
Please comment and if you have any ideas for the story please tell me!