So before this album even hit stores and did its job and realeased the song Nightmare and if that was not enough, the music video as well and let me tell you, i was stunned and super stocked for the whole thing. The song was like the best thing to happen to me for a while and i am still hocked on it. yes it is that good. also having the video i think i happy, stoked, sad, and energetic all at the same time well watching. it was blooding epic and sad and i loved it. one of my all time fav vids eva!
geting to the album itself A7X dose not disapoint. compared to there last album which to me was a disapointment this one was completely breathtaking. the thing is though the album can be really impressive but some parts make you think that they were not trying so hard. there are plenty of good songs but there where alot of slower songs that are pretty boring and then i would think and that was a big turn off. still they did what they had to and did not disapoint for the most part, the music guitar and drums are great i only wish they did not realease there best song first.
I totaly recommened this album to anyone who loves A7X or there type of music. all in all i loved it and you should go out in buy it because it will not disapoint. I give Nightmare 9.5/10 enough said!
*and remember that i am not an expert on music or anything i am just giveing my opinon (and i cant spell for crap) tnx biggrin *