Guardian/Parent: Gravity_Dragon
Full Name: Telia S. Moonfire
Hero Name: "Bika", her bounty hunter callsign
Age: 18 in human years
Gender: Female
Personality: Telia is a little rough around the edges, but considering the company she keeps, it's not entirely surprising. However, she is a kind person at heart, but it takes a bit of work to get her to trust you enough to show any of it. Getting her angry is a prime way to get your a** handed to you however. She also happens to be a combat freak, and a bit of an adrenalin junkie.
Being Paid
Hunting criminals
Losing a fight
losing/breaking her equipment
Being screwed out of her payment
long periods of downtime
Crash landings
Natural Combat Ability: This ability is difficult to measure or classify, but it allows her to match or mimic virtually any combat style used against her. It also allows her to use nearly any kind of equipment as soon as she picks it up. Combining these two turns her into a near lethal fighting force at close range, and a serious cause for concern in ranged combat.
Instant Weapon: This odd dimensional power allows Telia to store and recall a small selection (6) weapons with only a thought. If she decides to change which weapons are summoned it takes about an hour to change the "designation" of that selection.
Super Natural Durability: Being born on a heavy gravity aquatic world, your body is going to have to be extraordinarily strong just to survive. Being above average on this world means on a light gravity planet like Earth means it's damn hard to get hurt. Telia still feels pain, but the damage inflicted by even massive blows is often negligible. It takes a dedicated individual to do any lasting damage to this bounty hunter.
(Natural Combat)
While Telia can match and mimic you in combat, she cannot use many "special" abilities that a person might know or have developed. She also cannot mimic any powers that might be used in a technique.
While it's hard as hell to hurt her for the most part, it's also easy to hurt her if you just know how. Poisons, electricity, fire, lack of air, gas, ECT. Any one of these things can cause her plenty of trouble. Plus if someone is accurate enough, her eyes are somewhat less able to withstand impact as the rest of her. Another point of note is her gills. While they are laced with bone and thus as tough as the rest of her, slipping a blade inside them could cause some serious damage. To help negate this, she wears armor, but that can be broken much easier than she can.
Despite any illusions of being human, she is still an aquatic alien, and as a result, has to have quite a bit of water during a day to remain hydrated. If she is deprived of liquid for more than a day then her body shuts down and she slips into a hibernation of sorts to keep her alive. This is only a stop gap however, as another few days will see her dead.
Weapons:Vibro Scythe (pictured) Pretty nice actually, hardened alien alloy equipped with a vibro cell to give it tremendous cutting power.
Monomolecular wire: This little tool is horrifying in her hands. She has been known to use it to set traps, and even string up her marks. With a vibration sent down the wire, it can be used as an extremely dangerous cutting tool. This is kept in a spool in her arm. It's capable of withstanding forces of up to 4 tons per strand. (It takes her less than 30 seconds to create a simple trap, however, a careful observer might catch light glinting off the wire)
Shot Cannon: Calling this a shotgun would be a gross understatement. The cannon system is actually mounted to her cybernetic arm when in use and is accompanied by a section of exoskeleton enhancement across her chest and back to compensate for recoil. The system uses flechette, armor piercing, and explosive rounds. Flechette rounds are similar to standard shotgun shells, but they fire a collection of razor edged arrows. The Armor Piercing actually fires four superdense spears in a discarding jacket. Excellent for hitting hardened targets like vehicles or reinforced armor. Explosive is pretty straightforward, except she can set the warhead to detonate before, or after it passes through something (Like right inside a window).
She can cycle through ammo types with a simple command. Thanks to Nano Technology, she can carry the component material for nearly a hundred rounds of her choice. Each round is constructed on the fly, thus lowering her fire rate, but increasing it's versatility.
Combat Gauntlet: This enhancement for her arms (yes, both) enhances her upper body strength significantly, and equips both arms with a layer of additional armor and large energy claws. Her ultimate close quarters weapons. They do tend to somewhat hinder her ability to mimic a fighting style however.
Arm Blades: Simple, and effective. These blades are specially shaped to go over her forearm fins and extend about two feet past her elbow. They allow her to engage in sword combat with devastating effectiveness. They also in turn protect her arms from bladed weapons.
Body Armor: Pretty simple, it's a suit of fitted armor that also covers her tail and gills pretty well. Will stop most small arms fire.
(Future Acquisition) Kriss Super V .45 SMG. Not wanting to blow holes in cars and buildings, as soon as she discovers this weapon system, she will find a way to acquire it for her own personal use. She may even attempt to find someone to put together specialized ammo together for her.
History: Being a Nattereri (Pronounced Nat-tare-er-ee) Telia was taught to fight from a young age. Martial combat on their heavy aquatic world was much different than the rest of the galaxy, but it didn't take her long to catch on to the finer points when she graduated into adulthood.
Being raised as part of a strong willed society, justice was almost as much part of her training as the fighting was. It was never referred to as such, but most of the warriors of their world understood how right and wrong worked, even on some of the rather distinct worlds the Nattereri considered neighbors.
However, they also understood that not everything in the universe was as comfortable as home, and many warriors spent several years traveling to gain more experience in combat, and generally how the rest of the universe worked. Many made names for them selves on these trips, but most came home alive.
Telia was slightly different in that she saw that following all the rules to the letter could often cause more problems than any criminal could. Bounty hunters however were the kind of people that did their jobs, and only worried about the rules after they had what they were after. If applied right, this made for an effective force to capture certain criminals.
So, instead of heading home, she became a bounty hunter, and within a few years, had indeed garnered a bit of fame. She had her own ship, and more than enough credits to get her through a few years, but she was far too addicted to the hunt by this time to simply give it up.
Sadly, this ended up being a problem as she pursued a particularly nasty pair of super powered villains near Earth. Things were going well until they managed to set up a clever ambush, using a hacked earth satellite to infiltrate her ships control systems. The Villains couldn't make the ship blow up, but they were easily able to set it on a crash course, and destroy all of her comm and navigation equipment. For her part, she managed to free up enough of her weapons systems to put a few missiles into their hull, which detonated after they attempted to flee, killing them, and destroying their ship.
Her ship's orbit decaying by the moment, and with no control over where it would land, she had only two options. Bail in orbit and hope, or ride it down and make the crippled vessel self destruct should it head for a populated area.
She was unlucky as it entered the upper atmosphere, her ship was headed straight for a human city, her arm computer managed to find it's name as she entered the escape pod. Power City was about to be turned into a crater, until her drive core overloaded and imploded, causing the ship to simply vanish. Her escape pod crashed into one of the lakes that dotted the parks of the nicer districts of Power City.
If you had your own theme song...: Clubbed To Death (Youtube)
Other: She stands about 5'6" and weighs over 400lbs due to her dense body makup and the metal in her body.
Telia has had a rough career, and her right arm shows this. It's been replaced with an advanced combat cybernetic. She's become extremely adept in dealing with the high power output it has, and more than a few of her marks have made the mistake of underestimating it. She wouldn't be able to use it as well if she hadn't been born on a high gravity world. Her denser skeleton and musculature allow her to withstand the stress it puts on her body.
Artificial Eye: Her right eye is a Biotech replacement that gives her access to many of her arm's computer system functions. This includes full computer access, targeting, and even thermal and light enhancing modes. The eye's connections with her brain also allow her to control her weapons systems with only a thought. The eye still retains the appearance of a natural eye, unless one were to very carefully examine the iris and see that it is mechanical.
She also has a small implant in her gills and lungs that allow her to function above water just as easily as she does under water.
Natural Abilities:
Yeah, she has a couple. Mostly she can swim many times faster than any human could hope to (duh, shark). She also has an extremely powerful sense of smell under water. On land it's not as good, but usually still more than enough to track a human by as long as the trail isn't more than a day or two old. Obviously she has an affinity for blood when she tracks.
Heavy gravity worlds promote increased strength, but not super strength. She could probably out lift the world's strongest normal human by a small margin, but supers are still tougher than her.
She also has claws and her teeth to aid in fighting.
[align=left][color=green]Money on tables[/color] and[color=gray] fresh sharpened knives[/color]
[color=blue]plastic explosives[/color] and warm weapon barrels......[/align][imgright]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs7/i/2005/215/9/f/050725_brook_by_bara_chan.jpg[/imgright]
[align=right]......[color=red]Newly armed tripwires set in the halls[/color]
These are a few of [i]my[/i] favorite things[/align]