Let's start from the beginning...
Your name is? Naomi Valencia
What should I call you? Stick to Naomi...
And, how many fingers are you holding up? I'm 22 on Winter 2. I'm currently 21.
Where are you staying again? House 4
And what do you do for a living? I'm the Scientist
Got anyone staying with you? Only my test subjects...
So, tell me how you feel:
Personality. A good paragraph, at least.
Well, how did you get that way?
Character bio, 2-4 good paragraphs.
What really makes you smile?
✔ Rice Dishes
✔ Herbs
✔ Books
✔ Strange Items and Artifacts
✔ Feathers and Birds
Okay, what really sets you off?
✘ Spicy Foods
✘ Dirty Surroundings
✘ Large Animals
✘ Hot or Humid Weather
✘ Junk Ores
✘ Stupid... Ignorant... People. Ugh. Just no.
Hypothetically, let's say I was buying you a gift. What would you really like?
☆ Mochi Ice Cream
Anything else I need to know? Other
Wait, who were you again? x The Macabre Fairy