Answers submitted for Round 2;;
Really, really, close. I can see lust fitting in as an answer to everything but it being something we can't live without.
Although blood constantly appears throughout the riddle, there are some challenges that cannot be answer with blood. Is there any social holiday that centers around blood?
↳- - c h o c - OH - rawrr
...that's all I have to say, since you got it right ahahaha.
Again, I understood your thinking, but the puzzle piece didn't fit just right. There were many challenges that your riddle wouldn't work with.
The riddle was all a personification of the color red. Red represents so much in our life; for example, it represents death and love, two polar opposites!
She is the war, and yet the love that brings two into matrimony.The fire that burns in our hearts, and yet the very fire that rips families apart.
>Rage and love
She is the sea of blood that we fear, and the color of that specific flower that we adore.
>Blood(war) and roses
The color of beauty that dances upon one’s lips yet the sign of rebellion and danger.
>Kinda self-explanatory. Red. (Red lipstick, danger/stop signs, sin, etc.)
She is the two-faced female, both dark and loving, and stands out with superior attitude from her shy companions.
>In paintings, painters use the color red as pops of color because it adds greater contrast compared to other colors. Its one of the first colors your eyes are drawn to because its so bold.
>Two faced=evil. And then love comes back once again!
The confident, sociable female runs about yearly, posing for holiday events as well as sudden catastrophes.
>The most social holiday of the year is Christmas! And what represents Christmas? The colors RED and GREEN C:
>More blood, danger, etc.
She seizes both men and women, capturing and filling their heart with her illusions.
>Lust, which is usually represented by a sensual crimson red.
She is the vulgar poison that abducts one’s ability to think with clarity; the demon that steals lives with her aggressive attacks.
>The poison? Wine. Red wine to be specific.
>Most demons (like the devil, vampire, or succubus) have the same color scheme. Red for sins and blood, and black for dark minds.
She holds the ability to turn men’s heads, and the power to overcome all other thoughts with a simple glance.
>Lust again!
She dwells in every heart, and is the most crucial building block of our very foundation of life. She is, without a doubt, a drug. A drug that we cannot live without. For without her would be impossible, like living without air.