Name: Celes
Dragon: Nightshade
Age: unknown.
Origin: The forested mountains of Solarin
Race: Draconian Elf
Bio: Long ago, Elves and dragons warred with each other. A race of elves made a pact with the dragons, there in stopping the wars between all races of elves and dragons. The elven and draconian clans, Ephianne and Stoleric, were the only two in history to sign this blood pact; The only ones able to ride, communicate, and partner with eachother. These two clans formed a special bond and soon began to mate with each other. All other races of each species tolerated each other, but did not mate. This pact lives on through the ages, never to be broken. Celes' clan was destroyed, and she has come to the conclusion that she is the only of her kind; the only one alive keeping dragons and elves from killing each other yet again.
Weapon of Choice: Ryoku Kokugen: Blade of the lost gods
This blade was created from the tooth of Nightshade. When it was created the gods deemed it too dangerous to reside on Saya, Celes' home planet so they removed it. Nightshade ended up stealing it back without alerting the gods. The gods don't know Celes has her sword back because they feel no need to check on it.