Full Name: Xandir Andrei Ambros
Nick Name(s):
Birthdate: 11/11|||||||||||||||||)||||Age: Eighty-seven
Sex: Male Race: Vampire Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Weight: 158 lbs. Height: 5'11
Marital Status: Single||||||||Spouse: N/A||||||||Children: N/A
Occupation: Prince|||||||||||||||||||Social Status: Nobility
Personality: Being of vampiric decent, Xandir has been brought up with hostile feelings towards humans. His mother groomed him into believing he is superior to them. So he acts smug towards them. But he will admit that he finds them rather strange and interesting, especially those that fight against an overpowering force.
From birth Xandir was groomed by his greedy mother to be the next king. Ever since he was a boy, he remembers how his mother tried to instil thoughts of power into his head. This in turn created a pretentious monster that hungered for nothing other than to be at the top. Because of his lust for power, Xandir lost all patience to do things by the rules and waiting his turn.
But his mother isn't the only one to be blamed for making Xandir into what he is, for the rest of the court had a role to play in the creation of this devil in sheep's clothing. Being the son of a power hungry concubine, he was treated like an ill omen upon the Ambros house. The unwelcoming feeling made Xandir so bitter that he longed to conquer the world to prove he is better than them. None of the court realized what a tragic mistake they made by crossing him.
Though he hated his mother for being a lowly concubine, Xandir could not help but learn from her how to manipulate the world to his favor. She taught him how to put his chrisma and charm to good use, instead of brooding in the shadows. It was Xandir's own mother that taught him how to do what it takes to get to the greater picture. It was through her that he learned to lay with the enemy to get closer to his ultimate goal. As a side effect from such actions, Xandir lost his conscience.
Like a devil within sheep's clothing, Xandir places on a courty facade for the world. So they see him as a well mannered and pleasant prince. Very few see the true nature of this man as he bides his time waiting for the throne. Some even believe that he might not be suited for the grim affirms of court live, but oh how are the wrong. Living in the darkness of the court for much of his life, Xandir was far too acquinted with how to plot and scheme.
Even though the world thinks he is a kind prince, most have come to learn that he does really ever gives out praises and mean it. It seems that he only praises things that catch his interest and it has to intrigue him enough to want it so badly that he would be willing to bleed for it.
When something catches his interest, Xandir has been know to stop at nothing to get it; even throwinng away his own life for it. But once it is his, he would never want to let it go. Going as for as to wanting to kill it to stop it from leaving him. And if the preson ever left him, Xandir would want to bring pain to his or her life to show them how deeply they affected him.
Loathes: Like many people in the world, Xandir has an extreme hatred toward his origins. Though it seems like such a minor thing, he can't stand being the offspring of a concubine and bred from her sin. Everyday he would hear the court whispering behind his back about how he was only born to be a tool for his mother's greed and pride. He had to deal with the other women of the court making him feel unwelcome and that he was a monster for not being of pure noble decent. Even his brothers lorded his 'disgraceful' origins over him. They would treat him like page and play nasty pranks upon him. All these experiences turned him bitter to who he is and make him very touchy when anyone makes referrence to this.
Though Xandir was third in line to inherit his father's throne, the vampire took it upon himself to get what he wanted. His first task was to take out his three older brothers. The war with the humans took care of his eldest brother. Leaving only two brothers left to dispose of. Xandir had his third eldest brother meet his end in a very tragic accident. It wasn't until years later that Xandir had the opportunity to strike down his only remaining brother.
Mother: Status: Good Health
Relationship with her:
Father: Status: Failing Health
Relationship with him:
Brother: Maximus Jillian Ambros Status: Deceased
Relationship with him: Though they bare the same father, Maximus and Xandir were actually half brothers. But neither of them accepted the other as family. No, to Maximus Xandir was just the son of a concubine with no title to the throne. While Xandir veiwed him as an incompetent leader that would drive their country to ruin.
Brother: Status: Deceased
Relationship with him:
Brother: Status: Deceased
Relationship with him:
Enraged by Taera's words and her attitude, Xandir snapped. He lost control of his emotions and actions as his body took on a darker persona.
Throwing the woman up against a stone wall, Xandir slid up behind her. Glaring down at the eye he could see, Xandir use his body to press the slender girl up against the wall. Xandir lifted his arms and pressed his forearms up against the cold stone surface on either side of his victim. He pressed so hard that he could feel the jagged and coarse rock digging into his flesh.
As he held Taera pinned there against the hallway wall, Xandir spoke coarsely to her "Because you are considered royalty within these walls, does not mean you have the power to control me. PRINCESS, you are my gilled pet to do with as I please." Pulling his lips back in annoyance, Xandir lowered his head to Taera's neck. Opening his mouth, Xandir pressed his fangs into the soft warm flesh. Though he did not sink his teeth far enough to fed, Xandir manage to draw a sharp yelp of pain from the young woman.
Drawing his head back from her neck, the prince moved it to rest beside her ear. He then pulled his lips back into a twisted little grin. "After all, your father sold your body to me for protection." He breathed viciously.
As Xandir spoke of the girl's father, she tensed up from shock. His malicious words hit the mark as Taera began to tremble silently between him and the coarse stone wall.