Her name is Liz. She uses dark and fire type pokemon. She's fiery and dark at times but she can be nice. Which is what led her to use firer and dark type pokemon.
Her Umbreon does not go in a pokeball. Shadow:
She also has:
Quilava (Smoak):
Arcanine (Torch):
Sneasel (Fell) :
Houndour (Midnight):
Vulipx (Larka) :
His name is Cane. He is a loner and stays to himself, only really getting along with Shockwave and Night Star (his two favorite pokemon). As he grew up, the only person that never judged him was his best friend, Liz.
Espeon(Night Star)
and Jolteon (Shockwave):
stay out of their pokeball.
He carries:
Abra (Impulse):
Plusle (Ion):
Minun (Anion):
((By the way, they're long lost twins))