I am: 14 years young
Isn't it obvious that I'm a: girl
My race is: vampire
My appearance is:

The story of my past: I was born as an orphan, with my older as my only companion and friend and love. My parents died a tragic death that I thought about so much, I don't remember anything about it. I tend to have flash backs of my previous life when I was younger, running with Calin in a field of roses, then coming back to reality and breaking down into tears. My brother Calin died. We were going to live forever and be married, but that wasn't the case. A mad man came and took my only love away from me. Eyes of an angel look down on me as I hunt down the mad that took him for me.... "Sweet heart," whispers Calin's voice in my head constantly. "Darling, turn around. It's me. follow my voice. Everything will be fine... my love... It's all over now..."
My likes are: walking in the rain, humming little songs that pop into my head, writing, drawing, walking through cemetaries, roses, wolves, and being alone.
My dislikes are: Trapped, cages, heights even though my dream is to fly, rodents, my constant nightmares, my own shadow, when i sparkle in the sun, seeing the things i love die.
My love is: My big brother Calin.
My theme song is: I write sins, not tragedies by Panic! At the Disco