ello... just woke up....school's been out since Tuseday!!! yet, I wish to c it was still going, so I could have had the one friend that moved away stay over...but u can't rewind time..and I regret not spending more time wit her. but, here's 2 something that I love almost as much as I love me good friend that moved away.

 Here's 2 friends! Aren't they tottaly awesome or what?! 3nodding xd heart
so, here's 2 anime and friends!=]
 friends stick 2gether no mader what!=]
 aren't they ~so~ cute?
 friends also kick butt 2gether!=]
 friends make things better after a fight!( Andrea!)
 this is very off subject, but here is 2 those pertectors u can sometimes see!
 here is 2 those boring days when u have nothing 2 do, and then ur friend comes along and makes it better!=]
 gtg, but hope u liked it!=] GO FRIENDS!=] gp.s. this is Naira's lover(from one of my BIG stories!) his name is Dillen! he's kind of a werewolf, but yethecould b an elf! ! gtg! c u l8er...sometime or another!!!!!!!!
Hotgirl of darkness · Thu Jun 03, 2010 @ 05:34pm · 0 Comments |