Enchanted Strings: 49,113 Gold
Suede Mink Shoes: 575 Gold
Warm Starter Glam Guy Trousers: 5 Gold
Lyndexer's Journal 4th Gen.: 273,000 Gold
Enchanted Strings: 49,113 Gold
Overall: 371,806 Gold
This one's theme was "violinist". I originally had a different hair style but this one looked better. Also, the shade of brown was lighter. I was alternating between no Enchanted Strings or yes, but when I take them off it looks a bit empty. [Haha.] I love the top! But I had a hard time finding a pair of pants that matched the top's small part of lighter color, and the starter trousers's color fit best, with the style that looked less bulky- even though I thought that she should've had a skirt instead. I had a lot of trouble looking for shoes that would compliment, something that wouldn't be light polished... much to my misfortune these Suede Mink Shoes were all I could find. I thought it was a great thing that the price was so low, but I still can't let go of the fact that it looked so empty! It's still bothering me. But overall this was a nice match. I might change my signature to this one as my dream avatar after the demonic one, since I have Crimson Promise in the bag already.