A follow-up to the last one.... Enjoy!!!! XD
I searched my purse for my keys; they were, as usual, nowhere to be found.
Suddenly, they fell out of one of the many compartments of the far-too-fancy-for-me purse that i had gotten for my birthday from my best friend back in Tulsa.
Remembering Markie made my throat close and tears come to my eyes.
The only reason I even used the purse was in memory of her. A drunk driver had ended her life all-too-soon a few years ago.
As I bent to pick up my car keys, a strikingly pale, long-fingered hand reached in front of my face, picking them up for me.
I looked into the face of a once-gorgeous man with a scar and eyepatch. I couldn't help but be a bit startled by his appearance.
"I think you dropped these," he said, offering me a sympathetic smile. A cigarette was stuck behind his ear.
"Oh!" I said as he dropped the keys in my hand. "Um, thanks."
His smile turned into a rather confusing one, almost as if we both shared a secret. The smile deserved a wink along with it. "No problem. I'm Alex, by the way."
"I'm Tara."
"I'm just curious, where are you from?" Alex asked, tilting his head to the side. "Can I guess?"
"Well, sure," I said, shrugging, a little confused. Why would a complete stranger want to know where I was from? Breanna had always told me to be careful with men. Especially ones that looked funny. This one had a scar across his face and wore a patch over his right eye. Not exactly your average good guy. If anything, he would portray the super villain in a comic.
"Are you from . . ." He narrowed his single eye, a pale, beautiful blue, and tilted his hand again. "Oklahoma?"
I smiled with surprise. "Yeah, you're exactly right! How did you guess?"
He smiled, this time as if he knew something I didn't, kind of like the doctor looks at you when he thinks you have cancer but doesn't want to tell you. I decided I didn't really like this smile.
"Your accent. I've been around a bit, to places like Tulsa." Alex smiled again. It seemed almost genuinely happy, but the single eye put it off a bit.
"Um, I have to go . . ." It wasn't that I wanted to leave; I'd always been outgoing, talking to strangers as a child and claiming that I knew them when our conversation was over. Talking to Alex wasn't a problem. But I was going to be late for work, and I knew my boss could go from zero to "Imma cut you" in 2.2 seconds (I'd gotten that line from Breanna a long time ago).
He smiled sadly, as if he didn't want me to go and blamed himself for scaring me off. "Okay," he finally said. "Sorry to bother you. A friendly soul is hard to find on the long road to life."
As he walked away, I noticed for the first time a long black cane with a skull at the top. He was dressed in formalwear, a white starched top and black velvet vest with black trousers and dress shoes.
I was almost instantly in love with him, if only because of his gentlemanly personality and elegant manner.
Aw, who was I kidding? He had a nice butt as he walked away.
I unlocked my car and climbed in, watching his nice butt in the rearview mirror as he walked away.
He has a cute butt, I thought, turning the key in ignition.
Alex half-turned toward me, and I swear I saw him laugh.
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Bored out of my mind, so I shall write random things.
Random, crazy-a** s**t; movie reviews from yours truly; story ideas.
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