Name: Keiko Carahacus
Race: Wolf Demon
Personality: Angry at times and very rude when she falls into these fits of anger. But usually calm and laid back.
Background: Her past in one filled with pain, loss, and sorrow. If you can manage to stare into her cold, emerald eyes, you'll be able to see the hatred she holds for those that took her family. Murdered her pack in cold blood and left her all alone in this world. As a child, she grew up as a soldier would. Every morning she was up before the sun training with the others of her pack. Slowly she was able to rise through the ranks. On her eighteenth birthday, she became head soldier and was awarded her own hand-crafted daggers her father presented to her. The blades, made of a strong onyx, have the symbol of shi(death) carved at the base of each one to match the tattoo on her left wrist. The hilts, made of a thick silver and wrapped in a fine leather, have a ring welded to each one. Those rings have matching violet ribbons tied to them that wrap around her wrists when she battles. The ribbons act as a bungee cord for when she throws her weapon, so she doesn't have to retrieve them. To be a soldier in her pack, one must be able to manipulate the elements. She could. But her favorite is fire. Her daggers act as an extension of her hands, reaching what she cannot. They have their own minds, in a sense, since they are embedded with other wolves' magics so they would be able to withstand her powers. She keeps her raven hair pulled up into a ponytail that reaches her shoulders, leaving her bangs out so they frame around her pale face and rest along her jawline. In her wolf-form, her fur is black and her ears and tail have red tips. On her left front paw there is a silver marking that matches the tattoo on her wrist. She usually stays in her demi-form, with her ears and tail out in the open. This form is her best fighting form. She is usually found barefooted with a black t-shirt on and baggy black cargo pants.
