Can you tell me what to feel?
Can you help me find the fake and real?
Why am i so lost, whats wrong with little me?
They don't understand, but how can i make them see?
There's no one left to hold me, not showing me true love.
Why can't i get overwith and head to the heavens above.
All my family and friends cannot believe,
that something so horrid is haunting me.
Tossing and turning in my bed at night.
I constantly feel like, i am putting up da fight.
Why won't my fears leave me alone,
like everyone else soon will.
Why is that this emptiness won't seem to fill?
Every little tear drop makes my heart break yet again.
Why won't all this emptiness completely find its end.
When the world comes crashing down, will they be hear for me to hold.
Or will the world i live in turn so unbearbly cold ?
I never seem to comrehend the things that i have been taught.
Every smile on my face, every empty thought.
This year has been unbearable and hard for me to hold on to.
I am shocked to know that i've come this far,
But now alone i have pulled through without my friends and my foes i'd have nothing left to grasp.
Love always,