because I haven't plugged it in for awhile. biggrin
anyways, today was good. got to play piano for snow week coronation practice first hour, just kinda sat around all of second hour, had an awesome time doing nothing in science (until tard winter said that his plant needed a "spreadsheet"... wtf for?!?!), got to watch TV in geo, prom committee over lunch, quick NHS pic after, then like 15 minutes into the class after lunch I got to leave for jazz band. Spanish I felt smart... yay~ <3
prom committee is bothering me. We decided for sure on the underwater theme (now it needs a catchy name...), but the package we're getting is a freaking SHIPWRECK. gonk like seriously, it has just random rocks and fish and masts with lights in the rotten sails........... they don't even know what a mast it. Dx But alas, i got myself into this, and I'll see it through. I like being behind the scenes and knowing what is happening... (btw our dinner will be chicken with rice, california blend veggies, some other stuff I can't remember, dinner rolls, and dessert is brownies and ice cream. lol.) I was torn when we had to vote which theme- i wanted the masquerade, but they all looked like a Mardi Gras party... eh.
*shrugs* guess there's a boy's game tonight. I need to plan for my weekend, and work on some stuffs, so I'm not going. heart
haha I'm watching TV and its some random show about people disappearing (that's all I've gotten out of it...)... must be a channel for old people because there's commercials about powerscooters, a power chair thing that makes it so you don't have to climb the stairs, and something about medicare. rolleyes
whatever. I just like driving the suburban in 4WD when it's crappy out...
random story for the moment: once, at the beginning of the school year, I had the misfortune of having Mr. McGee pull out in front of me. He drives soooo slow... & traffic was unusually busy that day so I couldn't pass him, and I told Karen to remind me to never follow McGee again. Well, these past two days I have had to follow him home. Dx!! absolutely miserable. he doesn't even go freaking 40 mph...
I'm home. Here and enjoying myself. Hopefully this weekend goes okay... just k-bowl and snow week coronation saturday, superbowl sunday (gotta go to church early to make subs, and gonna watch the game for the commercials and to see if halftime's any good), then haircuts and piano/choir lessons on Monday.
You know what, I'm gonna go do homework. I don't have any time this weekend.
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