Versailles RP Bio
Name: Adelaide "Ada" Eberhard
Age: 16 years old
Social Class: Royal
Bio: Adelaide is a German Duchess, and the daughter of a Duke of Bavaria. Due to a violent uprising in her father's Dukedom, she has been sent to Versailles to ensure her safety and to be tutored by the ladies of the court. Adelaide (affectionately called "Ada" ) is polite and well-mannered, but sometimes upsets members of the court due to her accepting and tolerant nature towards people very different from herself. She is sometimes painfully shy and is very sheltered, but she is intelligent and creative, and can sometimes show surprising courage in the face of injustice. Adeline dislikes fighting, and spends much time in study and prayer. Her German accent is strong, and despite her mastery of French and English, she still sometimes gets strange looks. She wears loose skirts to disguise the fact that she is slightly overweight (due to her love of Kuchen (cake) and Platzchen (cookies).
Religion: Christian
Weapon: None, though she carries a short steel headed cane that can be rapped on a rude person's head. :3

My God is: Michan Starfire
Avatar RP Bio
Name: Malai'ka
Age: 18 (or the Na'vi equivalent of 18 )
Family members: Aunts, Uncles, several cousins
Skills: Singing, Cooking, Fishing, and Healing (Medicine). She actually doesn't like to fight unless she absolutely has to.
Bio: Malai'ka lost her parents and grandparents in the attacks by the Sky People, and was raised collectively by her two aunts and three uncles, as well as her older cousins. She grew up learning healing from her Aunt, Ai'na, studying medicinal herbs and spiritual healing techniques. She prefers peace to war, and although she is able to fight fairly well, she'd rather be exploring, swimming, fishing, or sleeping in the sun. Her favorite place is the Great Tree, where she often goes to meditate and rest her spirit.
Gaia Online ZOMG! Based RP Bio
Name: Michan Starfire (goes by "Michan," "Mi-chan", "Mich" (she's not fond of this one) or "Micchii" : her last name embarrasses her)
Age: 19, but appears a little younger (around 16-ish)
Race: Angelic Catgirl
Gender: Female

(I know it's hard to see, but yes, she has cat ears and a tail)
Personality: Michan is basically a positive, goofy person with a big heart. She is creative, smart (but kind of a flake), and very accepting of others. She has both cat and angel traits in her personality. She doesn't like conflict, but can be very brave when it comes to what she believes in, or people she loves.
She's awful at anything involving Math/Hard Science/Analytical Thinking, and tends to be a bit ADD. She's pretty good at things that involve art or music (particularly cartooning and singing) but has a hard time concentrating for long periods of time, and gets frustrated easily. She's good with people, but her trusting nature often gets her in big trouble. She is quite girly, and terminally mushy when it comes to romance and cute things.
She has a bad habit of going overboard when someone hurts her feelings, whines when tired or sick, and tends to rant when she gets upset. She can be lazy, and weasels out of work to sleep in the sunshine whenever she can. Addicted to coffee, fish (especially sushi), comedy anime/manga, and sweets.
History: Michan is 1/2 Angel Imp(father), 1/2 Hibi Island Cat person (Mother), and grew up in the Hibi Islands, close to the Island of Gambino. She was raised with the understanding that being an Angel (even if you're part something else, you're considered all angel) means that she was responsible for caring for others, and her powers of healing and light were to be used to better the world. She was also raised with a sense of fun, humor, and an appreciation for the good things in life (like COFFEE! :3 )
She has aided in defending Gaia from the Von Helson vampire conflicts, The Grunny Outbreak, The Zurg Invasion, and recently participated in the battle between the Sentinel and the Overseer on the side of B.O.O. A longtime resident of Barton Town, she now is working to defend it from the attacks of the Animated.