Full name: Lance Gallant
Birthday: 8/4
eye color: faded blue hues; blacked out eyes(only color is the hues) *aka white part of eyes isn't white* {wears glasses}
hair color: wheat blonde
style/length: to shoulders, no longer. (surprise me with the style.) straight.
flame color: red
physical age: 25
weapon of choice: rapier
physical traits: pointed ears, slit pupils (vertical).
height: 6'5"
weight: 175 lbs
build: slight
occupation: druidism (potions, herbal remedies, poisons, etc)
personality: laid back, stern, bookworm.....
background: first born of the 4 siblings. Works in a lab in the dungeons of the house. Not much is known about his background (more to come when i remember XP).....
abilities: flame shot, ice manipulation, perfect druidism
appearance: tattered jeans, brown pointed boots, pointed ears, thin wire rim glasses, fancy classy shirt.
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