Race: Vampire
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'9

Bio: He is the head of the De'Ath family. The easiest way to decirbe the family is that of a mofia with how it works. They are mainly within the country of Lithuania, where they are orginally from.
Liudvikas was reblious as a teen his parents often having to punish and beat him till he would obey them. He would let them think that they had won, often disguising his reblious nature as something else, his hatred growing for his parents everyday as they continued to beat and rape him. One day however while he was 'doing chores in the kitchen'; at least thats what they called it, while to be more acurate it was slaving in the kitchen, he had finally snapped, grabbing the nearest butcher knife and attacked his father, stabbing him repeatedly till there was more knife wounds then body.
Following slaying his father he went to go take his revenge out on his mother, being as cruel to her as she had been to him. After that he took all that he could carry and that was valubale and left, burning the house down with their dead bodies still in it.
He traveled across the country foor sometime, selling the things he took when needed for money untill he came acrossed Rozalija, the dark princess of Lithuania. When they met it was an almost instant contection whereas, up to that point, they despised the idea of finding someone else to live with.
They sceretly saw each other, knowing that her parents would never aprove of him seeing as how he had left behind everything that he had had. But it was before long that he started to build himself a name within the large city of Vilnius, one to be feared. He had single handedly defeated the leader of the mofia that had been in the city previously and took over as its leader.
However when her parents had learned of the two of them sceretly courting they grew furious, beating her once she had just gotten back from sneaking out to see him. Once they were finished with her they left her for dead in an alley far away from their home, the palace. He had found her there an hour later barely alive, turning her without a second thought, knowing the dark alley would protect them from the sunlight.
He didn't move her untill the change had finished and it was dark out again, taking her to his home and to wait for her to awaken. When she did she told him what had happened and he grew furious, leaving his home in a blind rage, ignoring her calls for him to stop. When he arrived at the palace he brutally butchered her family, leaving bits and peices of them strewn across the palace grounds. He had returned to his home just as the sun was starting to rise, to where she was waiting for him and at once he held her close. His body was still trembling for his rage while she murmured soothingly to him, as he carried her into his home, ignoring the horrified screams that was coming from the palace grounds.
Over the years his rage and hatred was starting to be perminant in his personality, however he would never let himself harm his Roza, but that didn't protect his children once they were born, Kendal and Simon being the two he was the hardest on. Though when Roza had Laine he found himself soften slightly, not able to raise a finger against his daughter if it meant harm; she was just like her mother in looks afterall.
Sexuality: Pan
Name: Rozalija De'Ath
Race: Vampire
Age: Unknown
Height: 5'7

Sexuality: Pan