What If Scenario, Case #2
Allyah: *is walking around, lookin for her daughter* Arognat? Arognat? Where'd that girl run off to now...? *sighs*
Arognat: *is goofing off with her friends*
Mira: Hey, isn't that your mom?
Leto: Yeah, she looks pissed off, haha, little Arognat.
Arognat: Shut up! *turns to face her mother* Uh, hi mom, heh heh...
Allyah: *has hands on her hips* Arognat Colebourne, aren't you suppose to be doing something right now?
Arognat: Um, I don't think so...
Allyah: *points at the castle* Guarding the front gates while the king and queen prepare their carriage. You were also suppose to assist me with the escort from here to Kakiriko Village.
Arognat: Oh...oh right! Sorry guys, I've gotta go.
Mira: Seeya Arognat!
Leto: : < Yeah...seeya.
Arognat: *goes to leave* Bye!
Mira: >= /
Leto: What?!
Mira: You're staring again. *is jealous cause she likes Leto*
Leto: So?
Mira: You men are all the same. All of you...
Leto: Can't help it if she's so pretty.
Mira: D8
Arognat: *has arms folded* = / Sooo, mom, howcome you let me do all this dangerous stuff but you won't pull me up in ranks?
Allyah: Because, dear, you're too young. Shiekah women can't be promoted to any rank until they're above 20. It's the experience, dear.
Arognat: Mmm, but I've got more experience than any of the other Shiekah...
Allyah: You're also very careless, violent, reckless, violent, careless and did I mention reckless?
Arognat: Yup, twice.
Allyah: *smiles at her daughter and pats her head* Well, c'mon then. We've got things to pack.
Arognat: I know, I know. *gets up to the carriage*
The Queen: You two are finally here? It's about time, you've put us behind schedule by quite alot, runt. *is eyeing Arognat* Well c'mon then! Chop chop! Move my bags up to the roof*
Arognat: Grrr...*mutters badwords under her breath as she starts throwing her things up there*
The Queen: Hey! Be careful! *bonks her on the head with her staff*
Arognat: *winces and holds her head* Ah! You b...b....urgh... >: <
Allyah: Your majesty, surely that was uncalled for...
The Queen: Allyah, you will bite your tongue when in my presence. I don't remember my crown being on YOUR head. Honestly, Shiekah, if my husband wasn't so fond of your kind...
Arognat: *eye twitches*
The Queen: Oh? Do you have something to say Arognat? Hmm? Of course not. Nothing intelligent ever comes out of your mouth...You little Gerudo street rat.
Arognat: *clenches her teeth together*
Allyah: Madam! Please! D8< Just because you haven't had any in awhile doesn't mean you have to take it out on my poor daughter...
Arognat: *stifles giggles*
The Queen: Hmm? What? Did you say something, Sheikah?
Allyah: *opens mouth to repeat it but gets Arognat's hand to clamp down on her* ....
Arognat: No ma'am.
The Queen: Yes, well, are you quite done yet?!
Arognat: Yep. *goes toward her horse*
Allyah: Yes, madam. *bows*
King Daphnes: Ah! Goodmorning Allyah! Arognat! ^_^
Allyah: Good morning, sir. ^_^
Arognat: Good morning, your majesty. ^_^
King Daphnes: Good morning my dear. *kisses his wife on the cheek*
The Queen: Oh, good morning, sweetheart!
Arognat: *rolls eyes*
During the escort...
Arognat: Hey mom? Mira, Leto and I were talking and I was wondering...
Allyah: Mhm?
Arognat: Do you think I can go with them to Termina? I've never been there...or outside of Hyrule come to think of it... >_>;
Allyah: Termina? Why there?
Arognat: Well, I had heard about this festival there and I really wanted to see it. Like, really badly. Please?
Allyah: Arognat, I don't know..you know you're ill...I can't leave with you there and...I don't want to hear that you were hurt or worse...you had one of those spells and did horrible things to those townfolk...
Arognat: You mean you don't trust me to control my temper?
Allyah: We've been over this, whatever it is that you have, it's a curse. A family curse from your father's side...I just don't want you to end up like him, sweetheart.
Arognat: I won't. Besides, he's still alive and out in the desert. He's fine, I'll be fine. That and I can kinda control my temper. I'll be fine. That curse might even be tamed by now. C'mon mom. I'm 19 years old...I gotta fly the coop sooner or later.
Allyah: But your duties as a Royal Family Guard..
Arognat: ...can wait. I don't want to spend the rest of my life guarding that ingrate queen. If I stay, I'd just lose it and kill her. D8<
Allyah: Well...I suppose a break would do you some good.
Arognat: *nods but then abruptly comes to a stop when the horses start neighing and backing away* Wha?
(The carriage is shown, completely stopped.)
Allyah: *rides ahead to see what the problem is* ... *gasps*
Arognat: Who's that?
(A man is standing infront of the carriage, his arms folded and a very intimidating scowl on his face.)
Allyah: Cyrus...
Arognat: Cyrus..? *looks at her then at him*