i woke up a little while ago. i had a really strange dream~~
the tripods from (tom cruises) war of the worlds were attacking, me and my family scrambled around for a while looking for a hiding place. next thing i know they are no longer with me and this (human) guy who seems to be working for the aliens led me to an icy place and told me a special passage to take. this passage led to an underground cavern, filled with tunnels, now frozen waterways, bridges, even a few rooms. though the cavern had ice everywhere it wasn't cold. after sometime more people came in, no one i knew though (they were anime characters emo ) and soon the guy came back missing an arm. the aliens tried to bring him with an he resisted losing his arm in the process. our numbers were no more than ten at most and we were discussing plans on how to survive or maybe it was plans of attack i don't remember exactly but the last thing i remember is someone saying "the three sakura's should sit together" (two from tsubasa and one from cardcaptor sakura). none the less it was weird but the weirdest thing is i've had this dream before.