But, anyways, I think I'll just talk about today.
So, this morning my whole immediate family--That's my mother, father, and sisters Laura and Beverly--met up to do Christmas shopping for my two neices, Madi and Jayde [Beverly's daughters]. After about an hour, Laura had to go because, one: she had an appointment to get her hair done; and two: she had to work after that.
So, only four people remaining, we continued shopping.
Madison, evidently, is a "girly girl who loves pink, barbie dolls, and makeup." My mom did the shopping for her. Jayde, on the other hand, is "more of Dani's [that's me o3o] style--darker colors, no pink, loves drawing, etc." I did the shopping for her xD;
We ended up getting quite a bit for them, and we've wrapped everything, as well. After shopping, we went to the Ruby Tuesday's resturaunt. I haven't been there in AGES.
So, that's about it for today. I'm going to go eat dinner [even though it's nine o'clock at night]. =3=;
By the way;;; LOOKIT WUT I DRAWED 8D