Knock Knock Knock "Katie" Josh yells from outside.
"I'm coming." Kate says as she opens up the door to go.
"Okay lets go." Josh says as he take Kate to his car.
It's dark outside and the stars are high in the sky but Kate has a dark secret that she hasn't told Josh about yet and she plains to now but she doesn't know what will happen. So they walk to the park from his car and sit on a bench.
"J-josh, there is something that I haven't told you about and i-it's only fair if I do so..." Kate manged to choke out in between sobs.
"Katie you know you can tell me anything."
"I k-k-know Josh but I have been keeping a dark secret from you and I know I can tell you anything but I'm afraid of how you will react to it."
"Kate I would never hurt you." Josh says as his face tightens.
"Me and B-bruce cheated on you, I'm so sorry Josh I know cheaters never win but always lose." Kate says shaking in fear
"W-w-what, how could you, you whore!" Josh shouted at Kate
"I know, I know and I'm so sorry." Kate cried.
"Humph to think I actually lied and said I would never hurt you." Josh says and throws a black velvet box at kate.
"You were gonna p-propose to me." Kate said wiping tears from her face frowning.
"I know stupid right." Josh says and runs away.
"Wait!" Kate screamed in horror.
The next morning Kate was found on that park bench her and josh were, dead, she killed herself with a sharp piece of a broken bottle with a note saying "I miss you josh (Cheaters deserve to die so I killed myself for you)"
Police told Josh what happened and he didn't even care he just slammed to door in the police mens faces and went back to watching his favorite T.v show while he watched his T.v show he began to cry out and feel sorry for Kate when all of is "I don;t care" washed away bye tears. "I'm comming for you Kate." josh said running to the kitchen killing himself for Kate.