xX G CORP Xx RainbowFritos GOD M0DE CamelHamster Because she wants you to be just like Edward. lol no she read the books back when she was in like what early high school were in college now she says she wants to see it just to see how they did it im preeeeeeetttyyy sure shes not a twitard she never talks about twilight anyway That doesn't mean she doesn't want you to be like him. He's like the "perfect" boyfriend, err whatever he is. [******** retard get in a whole and die
xX G CORP Xx Sex for Dinner I probably shouldn't be having this conversation, the last time I used the word masturbation I was given an official warning for being sexually explicit. neutral i going to be sexually explicit with your butt
xX G CORP Xx Manipulate Me In Your Indo Manipulate Me In Your Indo Your birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory mad
Well ouch. emo I luff you. For reals. heart
Those kind words are like a small powerpuff girls bandaid placed gently on my mangled but still pulsating heart. rofl
Narcomancy iiNeo Narcomancy iiNeo Narcomancy YA BECUS U R A PREJUDISS $%#$% oops caps lol join a school oops skool in your language  NO I CNT AFFOD IT MI BBY DADDY AINT PAYIN HIS CHIL DSUPPT AND MA MMMA IZ WERKIN N MY DAD DUN LEFF WEN I WAS A BABBY scream scream scream again i cant understand what u mean to say 
xX G CORP Xx · Sun Nov 22, 2009 @ 08:29pm · 0 Comments |