Species: Possessed human
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral
Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 170 lbs.
Theme song for Frank
Appearance: He is some what athletic, though only average in height. He has dark hair that he usually slicks back and is more often in a suit than not.
Personality: Brave, serious
Childhood- He was the son of a Marine and a stay at home mother. They lived on base, and he even went to a military school until junior high school.
Military- After his graduation from high school, he went to the Marines and served 6 years. He would have made a career out of it, had he not nearly died. While his body was in a coma, he made a pact with a spirit who called himself Anubis.
Adult life- After working a few junk jobs and attending Night College, he got his Private Investigator license.
Lupara- Also known as a short barrel shotgun, it is a break open style shotgun with twin barrels.
Barrel Length- 18 inches
Overall Length- 26 inches
Ammunition- 12 gauge buckshot
M1911 pistol- A single action, semi automatic, magazine fed, recoil operated handgun. It has since become the standard design of almost every pistol since.
Length- 8.25 inches
Barrel Length- 5.03 inches
Weight- 2.44 pounds empty
Cartridge .45 ACP
Muzzle Velocity- 830 ft/s
Feed System- 7 rounds +1 in the chamber
Louisville Slugger- A popular type of baseball bat, it can easily knock a baseball several yards, or break bones if the situation arises.
Material- Ash Wood
Length- 3 feet
Weight- 2 pounds
Kukiris- An unusual weapon that Francesco learned to use, they are his primary hand to hand weapons, and he owns two of them.
Length- 18 inches
Weight- 2 pounds
Other Possessions:
Sedan- An old school sedan with a flat black paint job.
Possession: The soul of Anubis is inside him He has enhanced senses of smell and sound, and can see in the dark. He can also read write and speak Egyptian fluently (just the character, not me) There are drawbacks, however, as he has a tattoo like mark on his arm, which burns when he is near some unnatural things and every now and then, the spirit comes to the surface. His physical appearance changes then, but this is a rare occurrence.
Frank normal:

His mark (on his wrist):
