Ok for the last five months my dad has been going throgh some shity stuff.
well if u wont to be downto the point he has cancer (liver/pancryatic) and is dieing as i typ. why dose god make cancer why dose this s**t have to happen to good people. he never needed this. mom thinks dad wont last tell the next month he is realy going down heil. IF ANY OF U HAVE EVER HAD A LOVED ONE THAT HADE CANCER U WELL FEEL WAT IM GOING THROU!

I cant feel. I cant eat. I think if I go away he will die whiel im gone. im soo scaerd. when he dose go me an mom well go back to washington to live with my grandma an with that thought i get even more depressed couse im leaveing my friends> GOd why did u do this to my famly.!!