I've resisted the urge to go visit my workplace on my day off. Hooray! As if I had time for it anyway...=/
Class was fun today, I'm going to like my Bio class along with it's lab component. There was a slight glitch in the midst of things, but it shouldn't be an annoyance, I just need to keep a clear head and hopefully things will work out fine. My professor kept on stressing the fact that things will get harder after the first section. I think I was the only one to be happy knowing that I will be learning about cellular biology. But thats just me.
I finished all my homework in record time, just about an hour for all of it. I'm even ahead in math, which is very good for me. <3
I've also come to the realization that I no longer fancy a loud-mouthed baka at work. I like the silent ones. I'm just intrigued, and this person seems closer to my age, if not a year younger. So, yayness. <3
Also, I recieved lovely lovely art. It made me smile after a long day of work.

~ TiltedhaloPS44

They're both lovely artists, regardless of what they say. >_> *smacks*