So today, after PE, my "Friends" kept saying raciest things about me. They were making fun of the fact that I'm Chinese.
evil Then at recess, Taylor and I were playing catch on the same team. She accidently hit me in the chest with her hand in the recoil from a pitch, and then bragged that she hit me in a special area. Everyone started saying that she was lesbo. That go her mad and she started calling my lesbo because I tend to obsess over something if I really like it. I'm just like WTF?!
stressed Anyway, Tara Novas were boring, not hard though... Annoying, too. I told MP about me, and how I use to have scabies when I was a baby cos I'm adopted. Then when I got in depth, she was grossed out. I even told Joe and he got grossed out. That was funny to see him react that way.
mad d |^3(¬¡||@ $L|$3|<0
mad d
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