WAIT! These are listed backwards from the order they were taken! :O Just thought I'd say that. xD

These ish cosplay twins. Why are cosplay twins so much better than regular twins? D8 They always look so much cooler than just random twins. xD harhar, like my bro and me. :O Just kidding bro, no one looks as good as you do. ;D I love you! ;D

I think I saw this girl in one of my nightmares. <----Scratch that!
I saw this girl in my nightmare, I swear to jesus! :O Friggin scary right? But she's hot stuff man. ;D

Yup, he says it all. This ish the EPIC LOINCLOTH MAN! 8D And I promised myself I wouldn't go back to 95 but it wasn't all dramatic so I went anyways. xD No one knew who I was so iss all gewd. ;D
****(((hopefully no one from 95 reads that last little comment D8 ))****