#1 - Mason. Where do I start? He's like a psycho squirrel that got his hands on an E-laced wine glass full of beer. I met him before he signed up for Gaia. I love this guy, he's one of my best friends.
#2 - Demi. He's another E-and-Beer addicted psycho squirrel. Except, he's also a writer and has developed better skills over the couple of years that I've known him. I still haven't read any of his work, haha, but I plan on it sometime. I've known this guy for a couple of years.
#3 - Spencey. Always quick to try and buy me something. xD Through the short time that I've known him, he has proven to be lovable and sweet.
#4 - FKWL. Where to start now. This woman is amazingly friendly, and oh-so-fun to be around. I like talking to her for periods of time when I've been away from the threads too much. I'd tell her a lot of things, she tends to help and make me feel better, also. She's one of two people that're always missing me in the threads. c;
#5 - Tentacleman. Zeke's one guy who I met in real life BEFORE I met him on Gaia. :'D I met him at Crash the CBS Morning Show in New York, or something along those lines. He kept bugging me with one of Gaia's Tentacle arms, but it was hilarious.
#6 - Ultra. I love her. She's so funny, and I can just joke about marrying her without taking it too far, and she knows I'm just being playful. She's one person who, if I want to talk about something irritating me, I will most likely tell because she'd do or say something to make me feel better. She also two of two who misses me a lot in the threads. ;p
#7 - Jax. Jax! X3 This little fella I met as a dragon. Had no idea that she, was a she. Matter of fact, I still am not sure. x: But anyway. She proposed to me with a plastic ring, looking like Gimpi and on one knee. I said yes, of course. Hehe. :] Nah, but seriously though, in the short while I've known her, she's pretty awesome. ^^~
#8 - Dano. Dano dano babano banano nano. Her baby is about the cutest little thing, EVER. She's really sweet, too. You can have an interesting conversation about her almost running over animals. Haha. XP Oh oh! She's also a pinkneck. ;] (The sexy, hip version of a redneck who lives in the city. Lmao.)
#9 - FReddy. I don't even know what to say about FReddy. o.o'; This little fella is crazy stuffs, but so kind. You can strike up an interesting conversation with this one. And the constantly changing avi with the awesome styles reward should definitely go to FReddy.
#10 - And last, but not least...Nikki, the apparent rainbow in my pants. I seem to get into a fight with her almost constantly, and she doesn't even realize why I do things. But goes on a bitchfit if I don't take my time to understand why SHE does things. Honestly, I don't know why I even bother. Except for the fact that she has tried in the past to help me out in my times of need, and I've also tried doing the same for her. But now all I want to do is walk away because I know, if I don't, I'll never look back to her one day. I'll just keep walking. I do, however, hope that she one day realizes why I do things, that I walk away but do not give up. That I am here for her, and I will always be, so long as I don't get shoved. I have very low tolerance with this one. But I hope she does soon find out that I do it because I don't want things to get strained between us. Not because I want to "give up." But because I want to cool down and give her time to cool down, so that when the time is right, we may talk once more.