◄ Evelyn Ciel ►
ɗoɳ'ʈ bɘ sђʏ.............................................
Pʋℓℓiɳg ʈђɘ ștɾiɳgș
→ artifical happyness--x ←
Țђɘy cɑℓℓ ʍɘ...
→ Angel (Ciel means "From Heaven" wink ←
If I ђɑɗ to ʈɘℓℓ ʏoʋ I'd șɑy...
→ Sixteen ←
I ℓovɘ ʈђɘʍ!
→ Chicks ←
ℓɑșʈ ʈiʍɘ I cђɘckeɗ ʍy pɑɳʈș I was...
→ A Girl ←
We wɑɳʈ ʈo ƙɳow ʍoɾɘ!.............................................
→ Evelyn is a one of a kind girl. ←
ʍy ʄɑʍiℓy
→ (Your Race, mainly for the familiars, but for Magi and Humans, put "Human" ) ←
A șɘcɾɘʈ ɳo ℓoɳgɘɾ..
→ (Bio. Please make this nice and beefy, at least a paragraph or two!) ←
ℓiștɘɳ to thɘ ʍʋșic...
→ (Theme song. This section optional.) ←
Aɳʏʈђing ɘlșe to ɑɗɗ?.............................................
I ʍʋșʈ ђɑvɘ!
→ (Likes) ←
ɗo ɳoʈ wɑnʈ!
→ (Dislikes) ←
wђɑʈ ɑm I?
→ (Mage, Familiar or Human) ←
Wђɑt ɑʍ I ʄoɾgɘʈʈing...
→ (Anything notable like piercings or tattoos, certain tools, etc. Also, if you're a familiar feel free to describe yourself here.) ←