now as ur mad scream you start 2 get tired and she starts 2 tell u somthing interesting,...she said " im preganant and i had an abortion then i got raped so i got checked 4 aids and im nagative but im always depressed because i've been crying myself 2 sleep and cutting myself with anything i find thats sharp and also everytime i go to school i get teased by everyone including teachers so i dropped out..and thats mii deepest secret what u got 2 say now??" crying your hurt because u didnt know and u realized that u had not cared 4 her like u was suppose 2... so u hang ur self and end up in thee hospital dripping blood from your neck but crying also ... the girl u thought u new was there sleeping next 2 you soo u watch her in sleepin in ur dark room .. its cold and lonely and u realized what she sed...her secrets let 2 u doing everything she feared and reality came 2 quick when u was drunk. thinked twice before saying somthing...and so u sed " i'm sorry , i was drunk, i raped u and got u aids,i didnt care 2 much 4 u, i lied saying i will protect, it was me and im sorry... she wakes up and sed " it wasn't u it was mii father and your mii brother,u saved me when i got raped,preganate,and everything...u had an accedent in a car so u got brain damage and u almost 4got meh...but i neva realized u was drikin.." eek u sed " ok ...only 2 cure thee pain i felt 4 u from dad..." eek
to be continued------------------>lol
ii_Nukio_iiAcey · Tue Jul 21, 2009 @ 09:49pm · 1 Comments |