- Ugh. . . Life has been quite hectic for me lately. . . My cousins are here, casing trouble for me, my mom is complaining about everything, my cell phone isn't working. .. . I mean, can it get any worse? Well, I'm sure it can. . . That was just one of my little rants of boredom. . . . Down to business. . .
On gaia, I've been searching for a really good roleplay, and I think I've finally found one. . . . Though, we need some literate boys to join in. . . Literate meaning knowing how to spell, how to make a good sized post, and being at least somewhat creative. We've only got three roleplayers so far and are really wanting some more~ It's a school roleplay, if you were wondering. If you wanna know info about the roleplay, here's the link. Uh. . . That's about all I wanted to say really . . . My mind's at a blank at the moment. . . Um. Okie. Adiós y espero que usted tenga un día bueno ~ C: