Thoughts;Points;Updates....and again completely useless and unnecessary because no one listens to me because I either offend them or threaten them o.0 and THAT'S because their all stupid...everyone who is American are call me "Little Miss Anarchy" hu?

Did you know that they are making a's designed to fold from this universe to another,split time in halves and squish us between the bindings of thin material spitting us out like you sucked ants into your mouth through a straw,into another word...where we would never survive and we would die before turned back to the foreigner's imagination.Maybe that's when everyone dies..maybe that's the escape from hell and entry to hell-they called it Apocalypse. One would think that only the creators of destruction would die and not us..Well,believe it or not...the imaginings we pull from our minds are puzzle pieces to the future. So long story short,we'd all die. But even as that's possible...they don't have the capability to do that..we fold over ourselves and our own time..facing copies.

You can think I'm a ******** nut case,suicidal,angry and depressed so choke me with you controlling arms til' you kill me yourself.
I would only wander how I'd kill myself. It's more of a characteristic of my personality. Suicidal ways vary in millions. Would I die in vain because I thought I wasn't enough for him? Would I die in jealousy because he broke my heart for some one else? Would I die in anger because he wanted me to? I know I'd die because of him,but why? I'm not a lazy person..I like the pain-it's peace in my dizzy mind. So I wouldn't tie the noose around my neck and snap in my parent's bedroom. I'm not so out of control stupid-I'm numbed and deathly. So I wouldn't press the steal to my delicate temple and waste these thoughts. I'm not happy. So I wouldn't fall asleep with water surrounding me. I'm not scared. So I wouldn't fall to my death.
Now watch as mother's blood pours from my veins in black and iron. Stabbing every moment I've been felt. Cutting roughly away with dirty temptations. Laying peacefully in the red water..letting it rot me.
I'm angry,depressed,jealous,vain.Everyone is scared.
BunnXiLove · Sun Jul 19, 2009 @ 08:41pm · 0 Comments |