~ ♥ ~ R.I.P ~♥~

WEDGE was my aunt and uncle's very first ferret... and just recently my aunt and uncle returned just now at 1:23am. Wedge had been put to sleep and it's very sad for Wedge was everyone's favorite pet...
My aunt and uncle are down to 3 ferrets left... they had 5 but one died, and the other died from diabetes, and now Wedge...
Tonight is just... very sad. and I feel really really bad because Wedge was the very first ferret I have ever met when I was a little girl... It had been what? a long time... such a long time.
and now, the other ferret, Biggs, is dying...
What the hell is with this?
[-starts to cry-] crying
Why... Why??
-Atems-Fairy- · Tue Jul 14, 2009 @ 06:37am · 0 Comments |