Im Dr. Rockso! The rock and roll clown! I do cocaine!! c-c-c-c yeaa.
ok. my journal entry... so far... no computer.
crying damn. my parents are sloooowww! Dx at least i got my itouch back
biggrin yay. um. i still never gotten paid from my job (which is B.S..) so, that freakin' means i have to wait for a computer until my birthday which is in October. i still want a MAC cuz, there better, not really faster, usually the notebooks have built-in webcams, and itunes, and garage band ^^ i love garage band =P
thank ******** god i don't need to work this week. (******** kids..) i actually plan on quitting cuz, its boring
as hell, the kids are annoying as hell, and its pretty
much hell. now i know not to have anymore kids than 2. maybe none. they are a pain.. -.- and annoying. ok. i seriously need to hang out with my homiez! Dx its boring as hell at my house. idk y im saying hell a lot =P