For those who had read the books of Harry Potter know what had been played in the thick plot. But there are those whom wonder 'what if' and for them I decide to write.
For those who wish to rid of evil might wonder if Tom Riddle, the evil darklord known publicly as He-who should not be named, never existed? I can tell you that another evil-doer will be there, maybe as terrible as he. Then those same might ask again. "what if Tom is good?" Then I'll answer, "A man like Tom riddle, can never be good, however, he can be the one whose neutral. To make such a way, he would need someone to remind him and guide him to the right course. Such a story will rather dull, dealing only him battleing his angst of submiting into the evil inside of him and to try to follow the very ideals of his tutor."
Some of you may wonder why Potter as the chosen one and I'll respond that he doesn't have to be the One, it can be very much like Mr. Longbottom. But that will be rather dull, just replacing a certain character that gives minimum variation to the whole plot. Nothing wouldn't have change, only the 'juicy' side of how pooor Nervielle confronts these horrors.
But most of you who had read the 6th book cried in utter shock and grief, tearing out your hair and ripping your clothes in distress. I understand entirely, the death of an great wizard, who is mostly beloved by all, was the most unbelievable event and very terrible to behold. You ask me, those with tears in your eyes, "Why, o why?! Why did HE, that snake of snakes -- that vile Severus Snape, killed Dumbledore?"
"It is because he was part of the grey, trying to take care of himself and not to fall on either side. He was simply pushed to the dark and could never go back."
"He should die!" You will scream and can only I shout back in tremendous voice, "Do you decide who shall die and who shall live? Do you have such tremendous power to weild? NO! You do not because you are mortals. When we die, we will return to dust, and only dust. This world we live in is only a blink in an eye to those who are mortal spirits. No, do not wish death unless you wish your own."
Then one of you will stand up and with a cracked voice ask, "Then what will it take to make this man, Severus Snape, not to kill that great wizard, Albus Dumbledore?"
Then I smile and nod, "A yes, what will it take to keep such a man to commit such a sin? Is it an simple object? nay, objects are only physical things. A man such as man knows that, he cares not for objects but only power. Not power to weild or control, but to feel that he is very powerful: to hold sway over someone who may not be easily submitted to such things and to make them shake in their boots by a simple glare of his eyes. But, that is not what caused him to rid dumbledore, it was simply to push to one side on his neutral fence. And such a lust to feel power can only be a simple character flaw on the complex person. What we need to ask ourselves is "What will make him turn to the side of good? What will bring him back from the pit he has fallen, should he fall, to the light? What will keep him there, at least enough not to rid of poor Albus?
"That 'what' can only be 'whom' since such physical objects won't hold make him willingly be such. Nor would ideals, for in order to have such ideals to be taken as his own, it must be mentored or taught to him by someone he trusts and deeply cares for in his heart. It cannot be Dumbledore, Voldemort, nor even the pranksters of his school days. It must be someone he loves in order to strike to the chord, in his very soul, to be golden. Such a lover that has the must highest ideals and great power to keep him in check can never be the one you had read in the book."
This is what I will write, this great story of a man who trys to scale the steps to grasp the light within himself and of a great women of virtue and light, of which that man loves so dearly. This is the realm of Harry Potter in which Menardi Grace exist.
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